Dire Straits《Lady Writer》



Everyday music




——Mark Knopfler《Lady Writer》

名:《Lady Writer》

歌者  Dire Straits

词曲Mark Knopfler

流派 摇滚



Lady Writer on the TV

Talk about the Virgin Mary

Reminded me of you

Expectations left to come up to yeah

Lady writer on the TV

Yeah, she had another quality

The way you used to look

And I know you never read a book

Just the way that her hair fell down around her face

Then I recall my fall from grace

Another time, another place

Lady writer on the TV

She had all the brains and the beauty

The picture does not fit

You talked to me when you felt like it

Just the way that her hair fell down around her face

Then I recall my fall from grace

Another time, another place

Yes and your rich old man

You know he'd call her a dead ringer

You got the same command

Plus you mother was a jazz singer

Just the way that her hair fell down around her face

Then I recall my fall from grace

Another time, another place

Lady writer on the TV

She knew all about a history

You couldn't hardly write your name

I think I want you just the same as the

Lady writer on the TV

Talking about the Virgin Mary

Yeah you know I'm talking about you and me

And the lady writer on the TV

Lady writer on the TV

Talking about the Virgin Mary

Yeah you know I'm talking about you and me

And the lady writer on the TV



今天分享一首Dire Straits(恐怖海峡乐队)的《Lady Writer》。

Dire Straits是一支来自英国纽卡斯尔的摇滚乐队。1977年由Mark Knopfler(吉他兼主唱)和他的兄弟David Knopfler (吉他), John Illsley(贝斯),Pick Withers(鼓手)组成。该乐队于2018年入选摇滚名人堂。他们出现70年代末的后朋克时代,但他们朋克的东西不是很多。在吉他手兼主唱Mark Knopfler带领下,他们以J.J. Cale那种悠闲的布鲁斯摇滚为基础,但也有爵士乐和乡村变调,偶尔也会融入进前卫摇滚的史诗歌曲结构中。乐队的另一个特点是Knopfler的鲍勃迪伦式叙述唱腔。他们与Eric Clapton,Phil Collins,Steve Winwood等人共同引领了80年代的摇滚浪潮。

乐队主心骨Knopfler是一名优秀的指弹吉他手。在滚石杂志的100名有史以来最伟大的吉他手中排名第27位。到目前为止,Knopfler和Dire Straits已经卖出了超过1.2亿张唱片。作为四次格莱美奖得主,诺普夫勒是爱迪生奖、斯泰格奖和艾弗诺维罗奖的获得者,同时还拥有英国大学的三个荣誉音乐博士学位。妥妥的是枚学霸。
根据乐队1984年的传记,《Lady Writer》的灵感来自Marina Warner,这首歌的词作者Mark Knopfler有次在一个电视节目上看到她,因此他们的第一句歌词是“电视上的Lady Writer…”
1976年,Warner,一位受过高等教育、通晓多种语言的人,出版了一本关于圣母玛利亚崇拜的学术著作。不知什么原因,她的出现引起了Knopfle的共鸣,唤起了对一段已不复存在的爱的痛苦回忆。但很明显,才华横溢的Warner小姐和他的前情人只是容貌相似,后者被他描述的目不识丁,只是爱钱。另外,有些人猜测这首歌的作者是Marina Warne。
