Standardized Work Introduction-02

2.1Standardized Work Defined 标准化定义

Standardized work is the documented best method to safely and efficiently perform the work necessary to meet the required level of quality.


Why standardized work?    为什么要标准化作业?

§To provide a safe work environment提供安全的作业环境

§To keep high quality质量保证

§To see the problem and waste within the processes识别流程中的问题和浪费

§To provide a management tool on the shop-floor to see Normal vs.Abnormal conditions现场发现标准与异常的管理工具

§Key enabler to our competitiveness in the future 推动,提升未来竞争力

Through Standardized Work, we expect to keep our manpower and machine utilization high to drive the operation costs down within our processes.


2.2 Standardized Work Approach标准化作业方法

Work should be centered on or revolved around the operator motions in order to:

§achieve the desired productions quantities

§reduce variability from one operator to the next.




In developing Standardized Work, a baseline cycle time is created.  It is well known that people work at different levels.  This could be due to age, height, weight, or even motivation.


By developing a baseline cycle time through Standardized Work, it becomes clear that the process becomes the focus so that the output is consistent regardless of the operator.  This is accomplished by reducing the variation in the process.



