just 基本上是家喻户晓的单词,它可以作副词,也可以作形容词,但更常见的是用作副词,而且其用法丰富,特别是在口语中。 一、just 译为“只是,仅仅是”,相当于 simply,例如:It was just an ordinary day.那只是普普通通的一天。I can't just drop all my commitments.我答应要干的事可不能都不干了。二、just 译为“真正地,确实,完全”,相当于 really,completely 或 absolutely,例如:The food was just wonderful!那食物确实是好吃极了!I can just imagine his reaction.我完全可以想象出他的反应。三、just 译为“正好,恰好”,相当于 exactly,常用搭配是 just (like/what/as),例如:This jacket is just my size.这件夹克正合我的尺码。She looks just like her mother.她看上去就像她母亲。It's just what I wanted!这正是我想要的!It's just as I thought.我正是这样想的。四、just 译为“仅仅,只不过”,相当于 only,常用搭配是 just for sth/just to do sth,例如: I decided to learn Japanese just for fun .我决定学日语只是为了好玩。I waited an hour just to see you.我等了一个小时只是为了见你。His first pay cheque was just fifty pounds.他的第一张工资支票只有五十英镑。以下例句的场景是在衣服店里:A: Can I help you?我能帮你吗?B: No, it’s all right, thanks. I’m just looking.不用了,谢谢。我只是看看。五、just 译为“刚刚,刚才,方才“,表示最近或说话前很短的时间,例如:Where’s my phone? I had it just now.我的电话呢?我刚刚拿到了。此时的 just 常与现在完成时或过去完成时连用,例如:I’ve just decided to sell my apartment.我刚决定卖掉我的公寓。He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang.他刚睡着电话铃就响了。六、just 译为“正要,正准备,马上就要”,常用的搭配是 just about/just going to do sth,例如:The water's just about to boil.水马上就要开了。Could you wait for me? I’m just going to the shop.你能等我吗?我正要去商店。
七、just 译为“正当…时”,常用搭配是 just as,例如:The clock struck six just as I arrived.我到达时,时钟正敲六点。I caught him just as he was leaving the building.他正要离开大楼时,我追上了他。八、just 译为“不少于,同样”,常用搭配 just as good/nice/easily/…,例如:She's just as smart as her sister.她与她姐姐一样聪明。You can get there just as cheaply by plane.你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。九、just 译为“此时,那时,眼下,现在”,通常跟进行时连用,例如:I'm just going down to the post office.我正要到那边的邮局去。I'm just getting the kids ready for school.我正在让孩子们准备好去上学。十、just 强调祈使句,用来引起注意,表示允许等,译为“请,就”,例如: Just shut the door quickly or we’re going to be late.请快把门关上,不然我们要迟到了。Just listen to what I'm saying, will you!你就听我说好吗?十一、just 用来软化表达,用来提出请求、表示歉意等,例如:Could you just open the window?你能把窗户打开吗?I was just wondering if I could speak to you about Anna?我在想我能不能和你谈谈安娜的事?十二、just 与 could/might/may 连用,表示稍有可能,译为“可能,也许”,例如:She could just see by the light of the candle.她借着烛光勉强能看见。You might just surprise yourself.你可能会让自己惊喜。She may just need a little persuading.她可能只是需要几句劝。十三、just 用于否定附加问句,表示完全赞同,译为”难道不是吗,确实如此“,例如: He's very pompous [ˈpɒmpəs].他很自负。Isn't he just?可不是吗?'That's crazy.' I said.“那简直是疯了。”我说。'Isn't it just?' he said.“难道不是吗?”他说。十四、just so 译为“对极了,正是”,用于对话中表示同意,例如:A: We really need to work hard on this project.我们真的需要在这个项目上努力。B: Just so!正是!just so 还可以译为”严格按照要求的,井井有条的,整洁的“,例如:Her hair is always just so.她的头发总是很整洁。Their front yard is just so.他们的前院就是井井有条。十五、just 作形容词,译为“公正的,正义的,正当的,合理的”或“合适的,恰当的”,例如: In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.在一个公正的社会中,一定会有一套人们可以通过法庭寻求赔偿的体制。There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.能够保证公正的和平的灵丹妙药是不存在的。