【造词理据】象意。源自PIE词根*ghabh-(给、接收),脱落字母G表骆驼,引申指运输(给某人),再引申指给、(被给的人)接收,再引申指能给的、能抓住的。这里指无能力的、残疾人。dis- 表相反的,-ed是后缀。
【例句】He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty. 他生来就有残疾,但他从不沮丧,也从未屈服于任何困难。
【同根词】able; avoirdupois; binnacle; cohabit; cohabitation; debenture; debit; debt; dishabille; due; duty; endeavor; exhibit; exhibition; forgive; gavel; gift; give; habeas corpus; habiliment; habit; habitable; habitant; habitat; habitation; habitual; habituate; habituation; habitude; habitue; inhabit; inhibit; inhibition; malady; prebend; prohibit; prohibition; provender.
【讨论】英语中很多动词是没有动作对象或方向的,所以很多单词必须与介词搭配才能表示,如walk up/down/along等。
【例句】If you're a college student applying for jobs or summer internships , you're at something of a disadvantage when it comes to negotiation. 如果你是一个大学生,准备开始找份工作或是一个夏季的实习机会,你有时会发现你在面试谈判中处在弱势。
【同根词】advance; advantage; along; ancestor; ancient (adj.); answer; Antaeus; ante; ante-; ante meridiem; antecede; antecedent; antedate; antediluvian; ante-partum; antepenultimate; anterior; anti-; antic; anticipate; anticipation; antique; antler; avant-garde; elope; end; rampart; un- (2) prefix of reversal; until; vambrace; vamp (n.1) "upper of a shoe or boot;" vanguard.
【例句】Feel free to disagree, but these are my thoughts on the matter, and I think them to be rather reasonable. 不同意没有关系,但这是我对这个观点的看法,而且我也觉得这样比较合情合理。
【同根词】agree; bard (n.); congratulate; congratulation; disgrace; grace; gracious; grateful; gratify; gratis; gratitude; gratuitous; gratuity; gratulation; ingrate; ingratiate.
【例句】I know that this book has inspired feminist students to speak up, to express their passionate disagreement or agreement. 我知道这本书已经激发了女性主义学者勇敢发出他们充满激情的赞同或反对的声音。