
▲ 成长于第三帝国废墟之中的画界诗人
Painters growing up in the ruins of the Third Empire
When I make a really great painting, I feel real

In a sense, science is like a mystery because it doesn't convince me of anything. I remember saying in my high school valedictorian, 'wisdom should make us certain; Art should make us wonder. When I am creating a really great painting, I feel real.


▲ 记住未来 | 基弗创作过程纪录
Remember the future record of Kiefer's creative process


Anselm kiefer

综合材料·Composite materials

String, Theorie, 2018 – 19

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, wood and straw on canvas

185 1/16 x 224 7/16 in. (470 x 570 cm)

Untitled, 2017 – 18

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac, wire and wood on canvas

185 1/16 x 220 1/2 in. (470 x 560 cm)

Ramanujan Summation, 1/12, 2019

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac and wood on canvas

259 13/16 x 261 13/16 in. (660 x 665 cm)

Der Gordische Knoten, 2018
Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac, wood and metal on canvas
110 1/4 x 149 5/8 in. (280 x 380 cm)

Die Lebenden und die Toten, 2017 – 18

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac and straw on canvas

185 1/16 x 220 1/2 in. (470 x 560 cm)

Väinämoinen sucht die drei fehlende Buchstaben, 2018 – 19

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac and wood on canvas

185 1/16 x 299 3/16 in. (470 x 760 cm)

String Action, 2018

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac and straw on canvas

185 1/16 x 220 1/2 in. (470 x 560 cm)

The Veneziano Amplitude, 2019

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, shellac and wood on canvas

185 1/16 x 299 3/16 in. (470 x 760 cm)

Edward Witten: Quantized Gravity, 2019

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac and wood on canvas

149 5/8 x 149 5/8 in. (380 x 380 cm)

The Elegant Universe, 2019

Emulsion, oil, acrylic, shellac and wood on canvas

149 5/8 x 149 5/8 in. (380 x 380 cm)

Right Wing, Left Wing, 2019

Oil, emulsion, acrylic, branches, wood and metal on canvas

110 1/4 x 299 3/16 in. (280 x 760 cm)

nubes pluant, 2016

Oil, acrylic, emulsion, and shellac on canvas

129 15/16 × 224 7/16 in. (330 × 570 cm)

Gehäutete Landschaft, 2016

Oil, acrylic, emulsion, shellac and lead on canvas

149 5/8 × 224 7/16 in. (380 × 570 cm)

Walhalla, 2016

Oil, acrylic, emulsion, shellac and lead on canvas

149 5/8 × 224 7/16 × 16 9/16 in. (380 × 570 × 42 cm)

Lapis Philosophorum, 2014, Acrylic, emulsion, oil, shellac

metal, volcanic stone, gold leaf, and sediment of electrolysis on photograph mounted on canvas

110 1/4 × 149 5/8 × 15 3/8 in. (280 × 380 × 39 cm)

Melancolia, 1982–2013

Collage of woodcuts on canvas with acrylic and shellac

147 1/4 × 110 1/4 × 1 15/16 in. (374 × 280 × 5 cm)

aßt tausend Blumen blühen, 2012, Oil, acrylic

shellac and charcoal on photographic paper on canvas

104 5/16 × 149 5/8 × 3 15/16 in. (265 × 380 × 10 cm)

Der lange Marsch, 2012, Oil, acrylic

shellac and charcoal on photographic paper on canvas

74 13/16 × 149 5/8 × 3 1/8 in. (190 × 380 × 8 cm)

Gebrochen Bluemen und Gras, 2012, Oil, acrylic

shellac and charcoal on photographic paper on canvas

74 13/16 × 149 5/8 × 3 15/16 in. (190 × 380 × 10 cm)

Laßt tausend Blumen blühen, 2012, Oil, acrylic

shellac and charcoal on photographic paper on canvas

98 7/16 × 230 5/16 × 3 15/16 in. (250 × 585 × 10 cm)

Le dormeur du val, 2012, Oil, acrylic
shellac and charcoal on photographic paper on canvas
74 13/16 × 129 15/16 × 2 3/4 in. (190 × 330 × 7 cm)

Laßt 1000 Blumen blühen, 2012, Oil, acrylic

shellac and pastel on photographic paper on canvas

74 13/16 × 129 15/16 × 2 3/4 in. (190 × 330 × 7 cm)

Birnam Wood, 2009, Jesmonite, lead, brambles, acrylic

oil, emulsion, ash and shellac on canvas in steel and glass frame

130 11/16 × 226 3/4 × 13 3/4 in. (332 × 576 × 35 cm)

Für Ingeborg Bachmann: der Sand aus den Urnen, 1998–2009

Acrylic, oil, shellac and sand on canvas

110 1/4 × 220 1/2 in. (280 × 560 cm)

Von den Verlorenen gerührt, die der Glaube nicht trug, erwachen die Trommeln im Fluss

2005, Glass and hair, Dimensions variable

Für Velimir Chlebnikov: die Lehre vom Krieg, 2004

Oil, emulsion and acrylic on canvas with lead boat

74 13/16 × 110 1/4 in. (190 × 280 cm)

Velimir Chlebnikov: Seeschlachten alle 317

Jahren oder deren Vielfachen

2004, Oil, emulsion and acrylic on canvas with lead boats

74 13/16 × 129 15/16 in. (190 × 330 cm)

Velimir Chlebnikov: Schicksale der Völker, 2004

Oil, emulsion and acrylic on canvas with lead boat

149 5/8 × 220 1/2 in. (380 × 560 cm)

Velimir Chlebnikov: Lehre vom Krieg, 2003

Oil, emulsion and acrylic on canvas with lead boat

74 13/16 × 129 15/16 in. (190 × 330 cm)



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