Starter unit 1 Good morning!教学设计







Step 1:Introduction

Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning!  Now,introduce the words “teacher” and “class”.by using gestures.Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you.Students Can answer as a whole group.As rows and as individuals.Repeat “I am your teacher and you are the class” several times.  Now,introduce the class to the instructions:Class,please sit down and class,please stand up by using actions and gestures.They can practice this several times.

Step 2:Lead—in

You may want t0 leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routine.Say Good morning class.Help students respond with Good morning.Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/,Mr.…Have them repeat.Explain the terms Miss and Chinese. Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back-chain” drill: Miss,Mr.…  (Ss repeat)    Morning,Miss/M r.…  (Ss repeat)  Good morning,Miss,Mr.…  (Ss repeat)

Step 3:Practice

Say:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up)  Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond with Good morning,Miss/,Mr.…Say Sit down,please.Now let’s start the lesson.

Step 4:Presentation and activity

Now point to yourself and say My name is Miss/Mr. … I am your teacher. Find a student you know and say your name is…(Beth).Then ask What is your name? Help them respond with My name is… . When the student answers, respond with Hello…Nice to meet you! Repeat this activity several times,first with students you know and then with others.Help them to respond with Nice to meet you,too.Explain the Word “too’’ in Chinese.

Step 5:Practice

Get the students to practice the f0llowing dialogue in pairs.

S1:Good morning.

S2:Good morning.I’m (Ben).What’s your name?

S1:My name is (Dale).Nice to meet you!

S2:Nice to meet you.too.

Call out several pairs of students to give their performance.Praise their efforts as much as possible.Help the slower students with patience.

Step 6:Presentation

Do activity 1a:Look at the picture.Find the small letters for these big letters.    First present letters a-h,and get the students to repeat these letters.

Step 7:Listening and writing

Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the book.Make sure all the students know what they should do. Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercise—books.Let the students know the differences between the big letters and the small letters.

Step 8:Games time  Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction.


Step 9: Homework

Copy the conversation and letters. (Do entering famous school)

