

This semester, the Mandarin class in the Fusion Department is quite different. We intergrated the “Role-playing Method” from “Visualable-Thinking Teaching Strategies” from Harvard University. We also trialled  a “Jigsaw Reading strategy” into the classes which took the students’ group cooperation and interaction as the focus of the class. This has brought a new perspective to our Chinese teachers.


What is “Role-Playing”?


Think about the connection between a person or thing and the research you are doing. Examine it in the context of an event, for example:


What can this person or thing observe or think?


How much does the person or thing understand or believe?


What does this person or thing care about?


What is the person or thing curious about or doubt?


”Role-playing” can help students to deepen the analysis and understanding of characters and events, and can improve  the students’ ability to respond empathetically.


What is “Jigsaw Reading”?


The Jigsaw grouping strategy was proposed by Professor Aronson from the university of Texas in 1971. As the name suggests, the Jigsaw grouping/ reading strategy refers to the concept of a  “Jigsaw”. Basically parts of the texts are read by different groupos and then the students regroup so all of the parts are represented.  The students then share their understanding of the pieces of text wwith others. Each group thenn has an idea of the bigger picture or the whole text. This strategy  enables students to tackle large texts and gain and understanding of them. It  improved the  students’ learning achievements and helped them to overcome their learning difficulties. It also helped to cultive the students’ social skills andtheir respect for others. They had to read carefully, use a clear experession and rationally communicate their understanding.


How to use these strategies well in class?  Teacher Xuyu, from Year 3 of the Section presented to  us a good demonstration.


This lesson is talking about 'The beautiful Little Xing An Mountain' from the  Year 3 Chinese textbook. At the beginning of the lesson, a vivid video elicits the lesson, the children go to each group according to the task sheet which is designed by teacher Yucie. It was   based on the “Jigsaw reading strategy”. The five groups are “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and little tourists”.


The task sheets of the five groups are different but they cover all the points of the text in a lively and interesting form.

例如,理解文章相关句子之后,通过将图片贴完整或涂颜色的方式,呈现对这句句子的理解。还有通过贴图理解句子的修辞手法,“有的... 有的... ”句式的运用。

One example was after the students understood the relevant sentences in the article, They showed their understanding of the sentence by pasting the whole picture or coloring it. They used stickers to understand sentences, “ Some are... some are...”  and were able to use the sentence patterns.


Another example is the children would copy the words describing the trees from the text and then judge whether the trees were thick or sparse.


In addition, the activity also covered the combination of adjectives and nouns, verb recognition, in order to help children understand the different  parts of speech.


The children in the ”Little Tourists Group” were also responsible for summarizing the sturcture of the article and sorting out the mind map, so as to help the group members understand the whole context and stuctures of the article.


The five “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, little tourists group” returned to the original grouop after their research is completed, and share their learning results. They did this by role playing.


In doing so, there are five people in each group: “tourists, spring, summer, autumn, winterr”.


Finally, the person who is the tourist, needs to listen to the four descriptions of the seasons, as the representitive of “Little Xing An Mountain” .  The students after the introduction decide which season is the most attractive one for travelling.   This also was an opportunity for cooperation and lively discussions. between the students. Using this and immersing the students in the text  deepened their  understanding.”


“Role-playing” from Visual Teaching Strategies from Harvard University, and the “Jigsaw group/ reading  strategy” from  the University of Texas in the United States are integrated into the knowledge acquision classroom. It is basically student-led,  cooperative teamwork and interactive. These teaching methods make students see an interesting way to  acquire knowledge, and develop a deep understanding of the learning process. Through these creative teaching strategies we are able to tap into  the maximum potential of children in the classroom, so that every child can participate.





