
大河之舞 Riverdance━-━──────────────────────────比尔 . 卫兰 BillWhelan  

Out of the darkwe came.我们来自黑暗Out of the night,来自夜晚the first of many mornings in this new place.在此全新大地的第一个早晨When the sun rolled back the mist,太阳驱去雾气we rose like a strong wave on land.我们如巨浪般自大地升起Now we were the people of this place.如今我们已是这地方的人What burns through the rain and the mist?在雨雾中燃烧的是什么?What banishes dark?驱赶黑暗的是什么?What makes the children straight and bright?令孩子们挺拔神气的是什么?What makes the mountain shout?令山峦呼啸的是什么?The sun is our lord and father,太阳是我们的神与父bright face at the break of day.在破晓时面露光芒Lifting our hearts,振奋心灵we sing his praise,我们歌♥颂赞美dance in his healing rays.在抚慰的晨光中舞蹈♫ The HEART'S CRY ♫【心的呼唤】♪ Where the river foams and surges to the sea,在大河起着泡沬涌向大海之处♪ Silver figures rise to find me,露出了要寻找我的银色人儿♪ Wise and as daring,聪明而且果敢♪ Following the heart's cry.跟随心的呼唤♪ I am that deep pool,我是那深潭♪ I am that dark spring,我是那暗春♪ Warm with a mystery,温暖中带着神秘♪ I may reveal to you,我也许会向你表露♪ In Time, (Time holds the heart's key)只是时间未到(时间握着心之钥)♪ Key to everything is Love, (Love makes the heart flower)爱是万物之钥(爱令心花放)♪ Flowers into a deep desire, (Passion in the heart's fire)花中深藏一个热望(心之火里的激♥情♥)♪ Passion and desire.激♥情♥与热望♪ See the eagle rise above the open plain,看那开阔平原上的鹰扬♪ Golden in the morning air,晨空中的一点♥金♥♪ Weaving and soaring,纵横翱翔♪ Watchful and protecting.专心守护♪ I am your shelter,我是你的庇荫♪ I will enfold you.我会拥抱你♪ Warm with a mystery,温暖中带着神秘♪ I may reveal to you,我也许会向你表露♪ In Time. (Time holds the heart's key)只是时间未到(时间握着心之钥)♪ Key to everything is Love, (Love makes the heart flower)爱是万物之钥(爱令心花放)♪ Flowers into a deep desire, (Passion in the heart's fire)花中深藏一个热望(心之火里的激♥情♥)♪ Passion and desire.激♥情♥与热望Calhoun is dead,丘丘岚已死our great Calhoun!我们伟大的丘丘岚He was the sun of morning.他是早晨的太阳He was the fire at night.他是夜晚的火焰He was a powerful story.他有动人的经历He was lightning in forest,他是森林中的闪电a sudden storm, a short life.是急风骤雨 是短暂的生命Thunder and lightning batter the rocks.雷电猛击岩石The winds howl and great storms break on the forest,强风呼啸 暴雨洒落森林scatter the herds like grain.将动物零星驱散Fire lifts from dark to dark.火焰在黑暗中跳跃Fear and anger leap to meet it.恐惧与愤怒相遇We will not go down.我们决不倒下We will not be bitten down like grain.我们将不被零星打倒♫ RIVERDANCE ♫【大河之舞】♪ Hear my cry, In my hungering search for you,聆听着我 渴望找到你时发出的呼唤♪ Taste my breath on the wind,尝尝我在风中散发的气息♪ See the sky as it mirrors my colours,看看我倒影在天上的色彩♪ Hints and whispers begin.开始暗示和耳语♪ I am living to nourish you, cherish you,我之生是为了滋养你 抚育你♪ I am pulsing the blood in your veins,我令你的血管搏动♪ Feel the magic and power of surrender,感受沉醉于生命的♪ To life. Uisce Beatha魔力 生命之水♪ Every finger is touching, searching,每根手指都在触摸 在探索♪ Until your secrets come out,不揭发你的秘密不罢休♪ In the dance, as it endlessly circles,在舞蹈中无休止的打圈♪ I linger close to your mouth.我在你嘴边徘徊♪ I am living to nourish you, cherish you,我之生是为了滋养你 抚育你♪ I am pulsing the blood in your veins,我令你的血管搏动♪ Feel the magic and power of surrender,感受沉醉于生命的♪ To life. Uisce Beatha魔力 生命之水No life is forever.生命没有永恒we farmed and fought here.我们在此耕种 在此战斗We loved and died here.我们在此恋爱 在此死去We have seen smoke of war我们见过战争的硝烟climb from our fields of grain,从我们的谷田中升起a stain over the sun.玷污了太阳The crops wither作物枯萎The bones of hunger饥饿的尸骨walk the sunken roads走在凹陷的路上in the black rain of ruin.走在于废墟的黑雨之中Whole generations lift now to depart.整代整代的人要起身离去了The land has failed us.大地让我们绝望The dark soldiers appear against us.黑暗武士与我们为敌In dance and song在歌♥舞之中we grief and mourn our children.赐福并哀悼我们的子女They carry us over the ocean他们在歌♥舞之中带着我们in dance and song.跨过海洋♫ LIFT THE WINGS ♫【振翅高飞】♪ How can the small flowers grow,小花怎么能生长呢♪ If the wild winds blow, And the cold snow倘若到处尽是野风吹♪ is all around?霜雪冻?♪ Where will the frail birds fly,小鸟能够飞到那里呢♪ If their homes on high,倘若它们在高处的窝♪ Have been torn down to the ground?被摔到地面上来?♪ Lift the wings,振翅高飞♪ That carry me away from here and,我要离开此地♪ Fill the sail,扬帆起航♪ That breaks the line to home.破浪归家而去♪ But when I'm miles and miles apart from you,但即使我们相隔万里♪ I'm beside you, when I think of you,我仍在你身边 我仍是想着你♪ a Stóirín, a Grá.小宝贝 我的爱人♪ How can a tree stand tall,一棵树怎能挺立呢♪ If the rain won't fall,倘若天不下雨♪ To wash its branches down?来洗濯它的枝条?♪ And how can a heart survive,而一颗心怎能生存呢♪ Can it stay alive,如果长久得不到爱♪ If its love's denied for long?怎能活下去呢?♪ Lift the wings,振翅高飞♪ That carry me away from here and,我要离开此地♪ Fill the sail,扬帆起航♪ That breaks the line to home.破浪归家而去♪ But when I'm miles and miles apart from you,但即使我们相隔万里♪ I'm beside you, when I think of you,我仍在你身边 我仍是想着你♪ a Stóirín,小宝贝♪ And I'm with you as I dream of you,我在梦中与你相聚♪ a Stóirín,小宝贝♪ And a song will bring you near to me,一首歌♥会把你带到我身边♪ a Stóirín, a Grá.小宝贝 我的爱人Dawn and the ships are leaving.天亮了 船只起航A lovers' grief is lifting on the tide.恋人的忧伤自潮汐升起And hearts too young for sorrow torn asunder.年轻的心因悲伤而破碎The cruel ocean's deep, and dark, and wide.冷酷的海洋既深且黑又宽广♫ HEAL THEIR HEARTS - FREEDOM ♫【医好他们的心-自♥由♥】♪ In the deep night在深沉夜中♪ From a dark space从一片黑暗空间♪ I hear voices calling out in heartache我听到了因心痛而发出的喊叫♪ They are wounded他们受伤了♪ They are broken他们一无所有了♪ But their spirit rises when awoken但他们的精神一叫便醒♪ Yes, they may be poor in birth - but对 他们也许生来贫穷-可是♪ Yes, how great each one is worth对 每个人的价值却何其高♪ Heal their Hearts治好他们的心♪ Feed their Souls饱满他们的灵魂♪ Their lives can be golden if your love enfolds只要得你以爱拥抱 他们就可以有大好人生♪ In their dreamtimes在他们的梦中♪ In their visions在他们的憧憬中♪ How they always hunger after freedom他们对自♥由♥是何等渴求♪ Every hard load每个重担♪ Every dark road每条暗路♪ Leads them on to reach a new horizon都把他们引领到一个新层次♪ Yes, they may be poor in birth - but对 他们也许生来贫穷-可是♪ Yes, how great each one is worth对 每个人的价值却何其高♪ Heal their Hearts治好他们的心♪ Feed their Souls饱满他们的灵魂♪ Their lives can be golden if your love enfolds只要得你以爱拥抱 他们就可以有大好人生♪ Heal their Hearts治好他们的心♪ Feed their Souls饱满他们的灵魂♪ Their lives can be golden if your love enfolds只要得你以爱拥抱 他们就可以有大好人生♪ Lord, where is our freedom?主啊 那里有我们的自♥由♥?♪ When will our hope begin?何时我们才开始有希望?♪ Lord, what of the promise you made?主啊 你的承诺怎么了?♪ When will it come?什么时候兑现?♪ We have waited for the time我们一直在期盼这个时候♪ For the truth to live, when justice will shine到时真理会被彰显 正义得到伸张♪ Too long those hands of greed太久了 那些贪婪之手♪ Held on and made us bleed把我们扼紧到出血♪ When will your people breathe何时你的子民才可以透口气♪ Lord, will it come?主啊 这个时候会来么?♪ Lord, what of our children?主啊 我们的孩子怎样?♪ Will they always depend on you?他们会一直信靠你么?♪ Lord, why are they scattered and torn主啊 为什么他们要花果飘零♪ And their young hearts in chains?他们年轻的心要被上了枷锁?♪ How they hunger for liberty他们多么渴求自♥由♥呀♪ Feel their hatred of poverty体会他们对贫穷的厌恶♪ Let their spirit rise, soaring free让他们奋起精神 解除束缚吧♪ Lord let it come主啊让这日子来吧♪ Our day will come我们的日子会来♪ Lord, where is our freedom?主啊 那里有我们的自♥由♥?♪ When will our hope begin?何时我们才开始有希望?♪ Lord, what of the promise you made, Lord?主啊 你的承诺怎么了 主啊?♪ When will it come?什么时候兑现?♪ We have waited for the time我们正期盼这个时候♪ For the truth to live, and Lord for your justice will shine到时真理会被彰显 而主啊 你的正义得到伸张♪ Too long those hands of greed太久了 那些贪婪之手♪ Have made us bleed扼得我们出血♪ When will your people breathe何时你的子民才可以透口气♪ When will your people breathe何时你的子民才可以透口气♪ Lord, will it come? When will it come?主啊 这个时候会来么? 什么时候兑现?♪ When will your people breathe何时你的子民才可以透口气♪ Heal their Hearts治好他们的心♪ Feed their Souls饱满他们的灵魂♪ Their lives can be golden if your love enfolds只要得你以爱拥抱 他们就可以有大好人生Tall and straight要高而挺my mother taught me.母亲是这样教我的This is how we dance.我们就是这样跳舞Tall and straight要高而挺my father taught me.父亲是这样教我的This is how we dance.我们就是这样跳舞Battering feet on the city street,不断敲击的双脚 在城市街道上in pools of light on street corner,在街角的片片光线中the pround bright carnival of the poor.是穷♥人♥嘉年华的自豪光芒And after all,尽管如此the moon over city and forest is everywhere the same.城市与森林的月亮到处一样In the old land it silvers fields of grain银色月光照耀古老大地just as it does here.此地此时亦没有两样The rivers everywhere run down to the sea各地之河流汇聚大海and the land everywhere takes life from the river.各地的生命来自大河It is all a journey.这统统是一场旅程From one land to the next.自一地到另一地From one life to another.从一个生命到另一个生命A generation later,后世的子孙that emigrant's child stands for the first time on the oldland.来自古老大地移♥民♥的孩子Memory rich in song.歌♥中充满回忆The heart come home.心已归家♪ Yes, they may be poor in birth - but对 他们也许生来贫穷-可是♪ Yes, how great each one is worth对 每个人的价值却何其高♪ Heal their Hearts治好他们的心♪ Feed their Souls饱满他们的灵魂♪ Their lives can be golden if your love enfolds只要得你以爱拥抱 他们就可以有大好人生

