





In the State of Chu, there was a man whose family was very poor. The man never worked hard but to think about getting rich overnight.

One day, he read in a book that the mantis would hide its body under a leaf when it was going to catch a cicada and no one could find it. He wanted a leaf like this.

Thereupon, he ran into the woods to look for such a leaf. Finally he found the leaf and was ready to get it. But he was in such a big hurry that, out of carelessness, the leaf dropped to the ground. So he had to put all the leaves into a basket and carry them home.

As soon as he got home, he held up one leaf after another in turn to cover his eye, and asked his wife: “Can you see me?” At first, his wife always answered: “Yes, I can.” After a while, she became impatient and when his husband asked her again, she said: “No, I can’t see you now!” Hearing this, he became excited and ran out to the street. Holding the leaf in his hand, he grabbed the goods in a shop. But he was caught in the end.




In the Warring States Period, Lian Po and Lin Xiangru were both senior generals of the State of Zhao. They both did great job to their country.

One day, Lin Xiangru took a lot of trouble to get a valuable jade back for the king. Then he got a promotion above Lian Po.

Out of envy, Lian Po said: “I’ll make Lin feel ashamed and foolish the next time I meet him.”

Lin Xiangru heard of this from others. In order not to cause conflict, he tried his best to avoided meeting Lian.

Because Lin put benefit of the country first, he thought that any conflict between he and Lian would be used by the enemy of their country.

Therefore, he brought doubts and blame from others on himself.

Later when Lian Po realized his mistake, he was so ashamed.

So he went to Lin’s home carrying brambles on his naked back and asked for punishment.





There was a famous tailor in Ming Dynasty. He could tailor clothes perfectly.

One day, a Royal Doctor asked him to make a court dress. After measuring his waist, the tailor asked: “How long have you been an official?” The Royal Doctor felt strange: “You’re just a tailor. Why are you asking this?” The tailor answered: “A young official is high-spirited. He walks with chest out. So the front of the clothes should be longer than the back. After being an official for years, the mood is slightly peaceful, so the front and the back should be of equal length. When an official is about to retire after a long time, he is depressed in his heart. He lowers his head and stoops down when he walks. So the front of the clothes should be shorter than the back. Therefore, If I don’t ask you that question, how can I make a perfect court dress for you?”




A young man ran a business in the market.

One day, he held up a shield and said proudly: “My shield is very strong.

It can stop any spear in the world.” Then he held up his spear and bragged: “My spear is very sharp. No matter how strong a shield is, my spear can pierce it.” People all around here laughed when they heard the words of the young man.

The young man was too embarrassed to say anything.








In Tang Dynasty, there was an official named Wang Lu. He always accepted bribery and didn’t follow the laws. One day, a man sued somebody for breaking the laws and bribery. Wang Lu realized it was himself. He was too afraid to handle the thing. He wrote some words on the paper: Although you hit the grass, you frightened the snake inside.





During the Warring States period, a young man lived in Shouling. He always felt that he was not so perfect as he thought. One day, he heard that people in Handan walked in a gracefully way, so he decided to learn to walk there.

One morning, he set off for Handan without telling anyone. Upon arrival at Handan, he was surprised when he saw the situation. Everyone walked in a different but gracefully way, children walking actively, the old walking steady and women walking charmingly. So he made up his mind to learn how the people of the State of Zhao walked in Handan.

No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to learn the gait of the people there. On the contrary, he even forgot completely how he walked in Shouling. In the end, he had no choice but to crawl back to his hometown.








There was a General named Yang Youji in the State of Chu. He was very good at archery.

One day, a young man came with a big bow and proposed to have a race with Yang Youji. The young man said: “If you win the race, I will admit that you are a good archer; but if you lose the race, you can’t tell others that you are good at archery!” Then he pulled his bow and shot three arrows after aiming at the target.

Next the young man passed the bow to Yang Youji and said: “Now, it’s your turn!” But Yang Youji didn’t make any response. “Are you afraid to have the race with me?” The young man said arrogantly. Unavoidably, Yang Youji took up the bow, aimed at three small leaves and shot them just right. Seeing this, the young man felt so ashamed and left.












In the State of Qi, there was a man who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep well. His friend said to him: “ The sky is gathered by gas. We are living in the air. It is impossible to fall.”

After hearing this, the man set his fear at ease instantly. His friend was also delightful.





During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Fu Jian, king of the State of Qin, ruled northern China. In the year 383, Fu Jian led a huge army to attack the State of Jin. Xie Shi and Xie Xuan, senior generals of the Jin army, led a smaller army to resist.

When he looked around, he mistook the grass and trees for enemy soldiers. As a result, when the nervous Fu Jian led his army into battle, it was defeated again. The Jin army won a great victory with its smaller army.




One evening, Zhao Da passed by a tea house when he came back from cutting firewood. There were a lot of people drinking tea there. He put the firewood outside and walked into the tea house.

When he finished a cup of tea, he found his firewood on fire. Zhao Da shouted: “Oh no! It’s on fire!” He took a cup of water, ran out of the door and splashed the water on the fire. Other people in the tea house also took their own cups to fight the fire.

However, instead of being put out, the fire burned even harder.



