
Innovation in Oakland: New Approaches to Building Housing


Urban Planning Partners is leading research and policy reform related to innovative construction methods for the City of Oakland. Innovative construction methods, such as 3-D printing, offsite construction, new building materials, and even methods that are not yet known, can produce housing more quickly and cost-effectively than traditional, site-built construction. Our team is recommending meaningful, feasible policies and process improvements that the City can implement to fully realize the housing affordability benefits of innovative construction methods. The project will also ensure the City is innovation-ready for future construction techniques that have not been developed yet and that City resources will be used in ways that don’t leave underrepresented groups behind.


We are currently finishing up the data collection stage. We reviewed existing literature, administered an online survey for Bay Area development and construction professionals, analyzed demographic trends in the construction industry, collected characteristics of existing innovative projects, and facilitated stakeholder focus groups. Our research uncovered the following barriers to more widespread use of innovative construction methods: inconsistent Planning and Building Code interpretations, restrictive regulations, City processes that lag behind innovation, unequal access to resources for small and minority-owned businesses, and insufficient workforce numbers.


Urban Planning Partners has prepared a draft report describing our findings and identifying potential improvements to Oakland’s existing construction innovation practices. Improvements will be implemented in the next phase of the project and could include staff training, Planning and Building Code amendments, structural reorganization, or outreach to the development and construction communities. We are working collaboratively with the City, staff from other Bay Area cities, and innovative developers and builders to ensure that solutions are impactful and reflect City goals and staff constraints.


Project Stats:


  • 22 innovative projects identified in Oakland, ranging from 3 to 357 units


  • 62% percent of survey respondents reported that their innovative projects cost less than traditional projects


  • Most commonly reported cost savings for innovative construction were 10% less than traditional projects


Why We Liked This Project: This top-ranked MTC/ABAG technical assistance grant is looking at the housing affordability crisis from a unique angle and has allowed us to blaze a trail on a topic that does not have much existing research. This project also gives Oakland the opportunity to serve as a model city for other jurisdictions. We’ve gotten great feedback from the development and construction community who have creative ideas on what works and what doesn’t, and we’re looking forward to trying out some new processes in our home city to encourage more innovation in Oakland.



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