

Regulation for cargo ships carrying grain in bulk from Canadian ports

Pursuant to Canadian Cargo, Fumigation and Tackle Regulations all ships carrying grain in bulk from Canadian ports shall comply with the requirements of the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code) and no vessel in Canadian waters shall load grain except in accordance with a Certificate of Readiness to Load issued to the vessel by an authorized representative of the Minister of Transport.

Under provisions of the International Grain Code the term grain includes wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses, seeds and processed forms thereof whose behaviour is similar to that of grain in its natural state.


Transport Canada requirements and guidelines

As in many other countries in the world, Transport Canada approach to ensuring vessel stability and safety of crew is by taking into account the worst possible scenario with regards to vessel stability and stresses that may occur during the voyage from loading port to first discharge port.

This is achieved through inspections carried out by Transport Canada representative before commencement of loading

(Readiness to Loadand upon completion of loading before vessels proceeds to sea (Fitness to Proceed to Sea).

3.准备装货证书 Readiness to Load

Inspection consists of vessel’s grain stability check through examination and approval of grain stability calculations based on vessel’s proposed stowage plan for the intended cargo as well as brief visual inspection of structural integrity of the vessel to ensure that vessel’s cargo compartments and hatch covers are watertight and fit in all respects to carry intended cargo. Upon completion of inspection Certificate of Readiness to Load is issued provided vessels meets all requirements.

Following documentation and instruments required to undergo Readiness to Load Inspection:

  1. Document of Authorisation to Load Grain (issued by the Flag State).

  2. Ship’s particulars list

  3. Copies of Shipper’s Cargo Declarations (provided by Agent).

  4. Certificate of Safety Construction.

  5. International Load Line Certificate.

  6. Grain Stability Booklet (the original one displaying vessel’s current name and endorsed by vessel’s Class).

  7. Vessel’s Loading Manual with cargo hold mass diagrams (or tables).

  8. Vessel’s Loading Instrument (software) certificate issued by the Class (SOLAS reg. CXII-11.3).

  9. Cargo Securing Manual.

  10. Grain Stability Calculations on a Canadian form 82-0579 (1707-11) stamped & signed by the Master.

  11. Printout of vessel’s full condition including sheering force and bending moments for:

    ✔departure loading     port

    ✔arrival interim port        (bunkering port) if      applicable

    ✔arrival first discharge port.

  12. Salinometer

  13. Portable multi gas detector calibrated with valid certificate (SOLAS reg. XI-1/7).

4.适合出海 Fitness to Proceed to Sea

Inspection is carried out upon completion of loading before vessel is cleared for sea voyage and aimed to ensure that vessel is loaded in a safe manner as outlined in Certificate of Readiness to Load and meets requirements of applicable international regulations including International Grain Code and Load Lines Regulations. Upon completion of inspection Certificate of Fitness to Proceed to Sea issued provided vessel meets all requirements.

Note that Transport Canada will clear the vessel for sea voyage to first discharge port only. Therefore, any calculations by vessel prepared for Transport Canada do not need to be done for other discharge ports. At first discharge port vessel condition will change and competent authority at that port will be responsible for clearing the vessel for consequent voyage to the next port.

5.谷物稳性计算 Grain Stability Calculation

Shall be prepared and presented only on a provided to you by your agent.

Calculation on any other form will be rejected by Transport Canada and may result into vessel failing inspection.

装货量 Cargo Intake

Shall be calculated based on estimated stowage factor (SF) using trimmed grain capacity of cargo holds including capacity of hatchways. For your reference below is an example calculation basis SF 42.0 ft3/MT:

Hold No.1 trimmed grain capacity from the capacity table 12,663.8 m3 = 447,222 ft3 ÷ SF 42.0 = 10,648 MT (100%) full 

Hold No.2 trimmed grain capacity from the capacity table 14,635.8 m3 = 516,863 ft3 ÷ SF 42.0 = 12,306 MT (100%) full 

Hold No.3 trimmed grain capacity from the capacity table 13,471.1 m3 = 475,732 ft3 ÷ SF 42.0 = 7,500 MT (66%) slack

… and so forth for all cargo holds

谷物倾侧力矩 Volumetric Upsetting Moments (Heeling Moments)

Despite of cargo intake calculation using trimmed end capacity of cargo holds, volumetric upsetting moments used for calculation shall be based on untrimmed ends.

重申一遍: 计算装货量使用平舱舱容,计算倾侧力矩时,使用未平舱舱容。(calculations shall be based on trimmed capacity of cargo holds and volumetric upsetting moments (heeling moments) for untrimmed ends.)

最不利状态下的自由液面 Liquids’ worst condition

The purpose of Table III of grain stability calculation form is to calculate loss of GM due to free surface effect of liquids carried on board (ballast, fuels, fresh water etc). Transport Canada requires to take into account liquids’ worst possible condition upon departure loading port, arrival interim port and arrival first discharge port. With regards to interim port (usually called for bunkering only) most of the time liquids condition would be worst before receiving bunkers on arrival interim port. However, if liquids’ condition becomes worse after bunkering, that condition should be reflected in Table III.

To reduce GM loss due to liquids’ free surface effect please endeavor to keep number of partially filled tanks to a minimum. Full tanks can be summarized and entered as a combined value.

Note that unpumpable liquids have negligible effect on vessel’s stability therefore should be excluded from calculation.

满足稳性要求 Meeting stability requirements

Summary of vessel’s stability evaluation is contained in the Table VI of the calculation form. As long as actual corrected value of upsetting moments from Table V is lower than the maximum allowable upsetting moment, vessel meets stability requirements. If actual corrected value of upsetting moments exceeds maximum allowable, vessel does not meet requirements in which case either change to stowage plan or perhaps ballast distribution required in order to pass.

积载因素及其可变性 Stowage Factor and Its Variance

Note that all stowage factors provided are in Cubic Feet per Metric Tonne (not Long Ton). I the past we have seen mistakes made by referring to various data tables that are based on stowage factor in cubic feet per long ton. Please pay attention.

Please keep in mind that stowage factor(s) for intended cargo provided by Shippers is an estimated value. Actual stowage factor(s) may turn out lower or higher due to various reasons. Please do take this into account while compiling stability calculations to ensure that vessel will still remain in proper trim and stability should actual stowage factor(s) deviate by 1-2% higher or lower from the estimated value.

货物平舱 Cargo Trimming

All cargo will be spout trimmed. No additional machine or manual trimming will be provided. Stevedores will fill as much cargo space as possible by free flow into corners of cargo holds and through bleeder holes therefore some void under forward/aft hatch coaming will remain, however condition upon completion of each hold will be better that conventional untrimmed condition. For this reason Transport Canada requires to use trimmed grain capacity for calculation of cargo intake and apply volumetric upsetting moments for untrimmed ends for stability calculations.

Cargo surface upon completion of each slack (partially filled) hold shall be trim level to Master’s and Transport Canada inspector’s satisfaction. Transport Canada inspector will check cargo trimming condition and ullages all slack holds during fitness inspection.

Should you have any concerns with regards to cargo stowage, trimming during loading operations, please communicate this to Agent immediately so we can take it up with the stevedores.

许用货舱质量 Allowable Hold Mass

For new bulk carriers (contracted for construction on or after 1 July 1998) of 150 m length and above, Transport Canada requires the class approved loading manual to additionally include the following data:

  • Maximum allowable and minimum required mass of cargo and double bottom contents of each hold as a function of the draught at mid-hold position;

  • Maximum allowable and minimum required mass of cargo and double bottom contents of any two adjacent holds each hold as a function of mean draught in way of these holds.

The values of maximum allowable and minimum required mass of cargo can be plotted as a function of the draught and are generally referred to as hold mass curves. The loading manual is required to display whether the cargo hold mass is within permissible limits and therefore needs to incorporate the hold mass curves. Transport Canada inspectors are checking this during readiness to load inspections.

剪力与弯矩 Shear Force and Bending Moments

Transport Canada inspectors ensure that proposed loading plans and sequences are in accordance with the approved loading manuals. In the event that an improper loading condition is proposed by the vessel, Transport Canada inspectors will not allow the ship to be loaded in this fashion and will require a plan to be submitted in accordance with the approved loading manual or approval by the flag State and classification society concerned prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Readiness to Load.

遮蔽水域,降低安全要求 Sheltered Waters, Reduced Safety Requirements

It is customary for vessels loading bulk grain in Vancouver to receive cargo at more than one berth with some waiting time at outer or inner anchorage between loading berth calls.

Note that all of grain handling berths as well as anchorages in Vancouver are located within sheltered waters which recognized by Transport Canada as the waters of the Strait of Georgia, Burrard Inlet and the Fraser River that are north of the latitude of the international boundary between Canada and the United States and east of longitude 123°22.666’W, but not including the waters of Boundary Bay.

Vessels that operate only on sheltered waters voyages are subject to reduced safety requirements with regards to stability and stress, due to this low risk environment. Therefore, port conditions apply to stability, shear force, bending moments while vessel remains in sheltered waters.

载重线调整 Adjustments to Load Lines

Vancouver harbor has a brackish water with mean gravity of 1.018-1.019. Pursuant to Canadian Load Line Regulations if the vessel is in water of a specific gravity that is greater than 1.0 but less than 1.025, the applicable load line is adjusted by the following formula:

[(1.025 – A)/0.025] × B 

where = specific gravity;

= fresh water allowance.

When a vessel departs from a place situated on a river or on inland waters to the sea, the applicable load line is raised to a level that accounts for the weight of fuel and all other materials required for consumption between the point of departure and the sea.

All of above is taken into consideration by Transport Canada inspector during fitness inspections upon completion of loading. Note that vessel’s compliance with Load Line Regulations is assessed based on mid ship draught (at plimsoll mark). Therefore, any hull deflection/hogging/sagging shall be taken into account to ensure vessel is compliant with Load Line Regulations.

  1. 装粮必须遵守International Grain Code规则;

  2. 装货之前,满足货舱检验和谷物稳性计算要求,获取装载准备证书 Certificate of Readiness to Load;

  3. 提前准备好为获取装载准备证书所需要的船舶文件与资料(如上文所列);

  4. 完货之后清关之前,按照装载准备概要要求的安全装载方式以及满足IGC和Load line规则,获取适合出海证书Certificate of Fitness to Proceed to Sea,

  5. 谷物稳性计算,只能通过代理递交,其他方式递交将会被加拿大运输局拒绝,注意稳性计算仅需满足到达第一卸货港要求;

  6. 计算可装货量使用平舱舱容,计算谷物倾侧力矩时,使用未平舱舱容。

  7. 使用最不利状态下的自由液面。

  8. 满足稳性要求:实际倾侧力矩<最大许用倾侧距

  9. 积载因素提供只是预计值,实际会有偏差,提供单位仅为Cub Ft/ MT(不是LT);

  10. 满足单货舱和两比邻舱的最大和最低许用质量要求;

  11. 剪力与弯矩符合装载手册要求;

  12. 在允许遮蔽水域,可降低安全要求标准,可使用在港状态,同样符合要求;

  13. 载重线调整,港水密度介于标准淡水与标准海水密度之间时,利用公式计算超额量: [(1.025 – A)/0.025] × B ,所需计算均基于船中吃水标志,需要考虑中垂中拱船体变形的影响;

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