Bunny FM开播| 今日早读: 女神诗The Rights of Woman(女神节特别早读)


The Rights of Woman 

Yes, injured Woman! rise, assert thy right!  |əˈsəːt |

Woman! too long degraded, scorned, opprest;

O born to rule in partial" Law's despite, biased

Resume thy native empire o'er the breast!  | rɪˈzjuːm |

5 Go forth arrayed in panoply" divine; suit of armor |ˈpanəpli |

That angel pureness which admits no stain;

Go, bid proud Man his boasted rule resign,

And kiss the golden sceptre of thy reign.

Go, gird thyself with grace; collect thy store

10 Of bright artillery glancing from afar; | ɑːˈtɪləri

Soft melting tones thy thundering cannon's roar,

Rlushes and fears thy magazine of war.

Thy rights are empire: urge no meaner claim,—

Felt, not defined, and if debated, lost;

15 Like sacred mysteries, which withheld from fame,

Shunning discussion, are revered the most.

Try all that wit and art suggest to bend

Of thy imperial foe the stubborn knee;

Make treacherous Man thy subject, not thy friend; 20

Thou mayst command, but never canst be free.

Awe the licentious, and restrain the rude; | lʌɪˈsɛnʃəs |

Soften the sullen, clear the cloudy brow:

Be, more than princes' gifts, thy favours sued;—

She hazards all, who will the least allow.

25 But hope not, courted idol of mankind,

On this proud eminence secure to stay;

Subduing and subdued, thou soon shalt find

Thy coldness soften, and thy pride give way.

Then, then, abandon each ambitious thought,

30 Conquest or rule thy heart shall feebly move,

In Nature's school, by her soft maxims taught,

That separate rights are lost in mutual love. 1825







