武汉市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (62)

30.4.1 P- Is there a procedure for the acceptance criteria for connector damage?YES/NO/NA

Audit Note: Includes inspecting damage when deplugging terminals from connectors.

30.4.2 C- Is there evidence that acceptance criteria for connector damage in accordance with procedures is available and being followed?YES/NO/NA

30.5 Installation of Contacts and Sealing Plugs into Connectors

30.5.1 P- Is there a procedure for crimp contact installation into the connector?YES/NO/NA

30.5.2 P- Is there a procedure for the use of contact installation and removal tools?YES/NO/NA

30.5.3 P- If required, is there a procedure for installing contacts and / or sealing plugs into unused holes?YES/NO/NA

30.5.4 P- Is there a procedure for contact retention verification and / or testing?YES/NO/NA

30.5.5 C- Is the procedure for crimp contact installation into the connector being followed?YES/NO

30.5.6 C- Is the procedure for the use of contact installation and removal tools being followed?YES/NO/NA

30.5.7C- If required, is the procedure for the installation of contacts and / or sealing plugs into unused holes being followed? YES/NO/NA

30.5.8 C- Is there evidence that contact retention verification and / or testing is completed for contacts installed into connectors?YES/NO/NA

