【新刊速递】《巴尔干与近东研究杂志》Vol 23, No 3, 2021


《巴尔干与近东研究杂志》(Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies)主要研究前奥斯曼帝国、前苏联以及领土位于巴尔干和大中东地区的国家。2020年影响因子为1.208。
【编译】孙唯一 丁伟航 朱文菡 池佳曈
【审校】石稚瑄 孙维一 缪高意 朱文菡
Europe and the 'New’ Middle East: Geopolitical shifts and strategic choices
Russia and the New Middle East
China and New Middle East
The Second Succession in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Change or Continuity?
5.伊朗伊斯兰共和国的第二次继任: 变革还是延续?
The Second Succession in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Change or Continuity?
6.修正主义与土耳其中东政策的再安全化: 一个新古典现实主义的解释
Revisionism and Resecuritization of Turkey's Middle East Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation
The Unbridgeable Gulf: Applying Bennett’s Model of Analysis to the 2017 Gulf Crisis
【题目】Europe and the 'New’ Middle East: Geopolitical shifts and strategic choices
【作者】Silvia Colombo,意大利国际事务研究所;Eduard Soler i Lechab,西班牙巴塞罗那国际事务中心。
The Middle East has witnessed major geopolitical shifts since 2011 that range from the growing influence of the Gulf states, the pivot to Africa of many of the region’s countries and the new dynamics of global penetration, to the proliferation of regional cleavages and intra-state conflicts, as well as more volatile alliances and rivalries. This article assesses the implications of those shifts for the European Union and its capacity to shape or adapt to new realities. In the past continuities have tended to prevail in the EU’s strategies, policies and toolbox vis-à-vis the region. The intensity of the transformations the Middle East is going through as well as their impact on Europe itself may oblige the EU to make a move now. Europe’s leverage and credibility are at stake.
【题目】Russia and the New Middle East
【作者】Leonid Issaev,俄罗斯国立高等经济大学社会科学学院。
Russian policy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Moscow’s actions in the region have began to acquire a less ideologically driving and more pragmatic character. However, the Arab Spring and conflict in Ukraine have underscored a more aggressive policy on the part of Russia, the quintessence of which was military intervention in an armed conflict far from its borders, in Syria. Largely Russian intervention to Syria was a tool for Kremlin to resolve internal problems, and a bargaining chip in relations with global and regional actors. At the same time the declining in public interest in foreign policy, as well as the high costs of military presence in the Middle East, in the short term will force the Kremlin to respond to demands from domestic audiences. The resolution of this problem will define the future of Russia in the MENA region. It will either be an 'honest broker’ in regional conflicts, or have to be content with the role of 'junior partner’ to Washington, Beijing or other actors.
【题目】China and New Middle East
A New Middle East is emerging, which is shaped by the result of geo-strategic competitions in the region among key state actors. The power structure of the new Middle East can be summarized as a weakened and divided Arab world facing more powerful non-Arab actors, which has conditioned the emergence of three significant camps in the region. Major regional state actors and some sub-state armed actors are playing an increasing role in the geo-strategic competitions in the focal point countries of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Libya. China has important interests in the Middle East, and key elements of its policy are taking shape. Institutional mechanisms of cooperation have been created and a network of partnerships with some regional countries has been established. The Belt and Road Initiative remains the key framework for China’s cooperation with the region.
【题目】Iran and the New Geopolitics of the Middle East: In Search of Equilibrium
【作者】Hassan Ahmadian,德黑兰大学中东和北非研究中心。
Iran’s regional policy was subject to heated debates in the post-Arab Spring period both within Iran and beyond. Though welcomed by allies, Iran’s regional involvement was fiercely criticized by its rivals and foes and, as such, different theories emerged on its causes, aims and scope. There was less divergence, however, on the fact that Iran’s regional reach and influence are growing. Beyond this, the evolution of Iran’s strategic planning in the region and its causes were less discussed. This article aims at elaborating the rationale behind Iran’s strategic conduct and growing role in the post-2011 Middle East and argues that in order to preserve its regional position and resist trends threatening the 'axis of resistance,’ Iran’s regional policy shifted from confronting the U.S.-backed regional order of pre-2011 to containing its rivals’ anti-status quo policies afterwards. This meaningful shift is bolstered by Iran’s international 'balancing act,’ whereby it is balancing international powers against each other to fend off threats.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国的第二次继任: 变革还是延续?
【题目】The Second Succession in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Change or Continuity?
【作者】Mahjoob Zweiri,卡塔尔大学海湾研究中心;Aljohara AlObaidan,卡塔尔大学海湾研究中心。
The Supreme Leader has a significant role in determining political life in Iran. The analysis of this role is an integral part of studying Iranian domestic politics and foreign policy. The succession issue has been of particular importance and subject to numerous academic endeavours after speculations of current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s failing health. The focus of these studies centres on the personalities of the potential candidates for this eminent position. This paper departs from mainstream research and analyzes the structural factors that guide the process of choosing the Supreme Leader in Iran. The study of the historical context in the designation process of Iran’s two Supreme Leaders, Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei, provides a more comprehensive understanding of the position and role of the next Supreme Leader. The similarities between the selection of the previous Leaders, such as similar external pressures and domestic influences, highlight structural elements that will affect the forthcoming process. This paper identifies the structure of the political system and the national security apparatus as the major determinants in selecting the future Leader in Iran.
修正主义与土耳其中东政策的再安全化: 一个新古典现实主义的解释
【题目】Revisionism and Resecuritization of Turkey's Middle East Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation
【作者】Şaban Kardaş,土耳其TOBB 经济技术大学国际关系系。
Turkey's Middle East policy has taken a realist turn in recent years. This article explores this phenomenon in a critical case, i.e., Turkey's abandonment of a policy of engagement vis-à-vis the Kurdish revisionist actors in Iraq and Syria, and tilt towards a coercive approach including military posturing. In order to explain the drivers of this realist turn, it utilizes a neo-classical realist framework that combines regional and domestic variables. It traces how the fragmentation of the regional order, combined with the rise of new security culture and power bloc domestically, undergirded the reversal in Ankara's Middle East policy. It concludes with a discussion on the policy implications of this new phase.
【题目】The Unbridgeable Gulf: Applying Bennett’s Model of Analysis to the 2017 Gulf Crisis
【作者】Majed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ansari,卡塔尔国际研究院院长。
【摘要】自1981年海湾合作委员会(GCC)成立以来,海湾国家卷入数次冲突,但卡塔尔与以沙特阿拉伯为首的自称“四方”的国家(沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯联合酋长国,巴林和埃及)之间最近发生的危机是几十年来海湾国家中最严重的一次内部冲突。本文旨在通过对卡塔尔近四年的封锁分析海湾内部冲突的性质、原因和未来。本文采用了威廉·贝内特(William Bennett)开发的分析模型,以评估阿拉伯海湾地区的国家间冲突。贝内特分析模型将对卡塔尔的封锁解释为沙特阿拉伯霸权野心的产物,政治冲突是由资源供求的长期不平衡引起的,因而政治冲突是无法解决的,区域霸权是使卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯之间的冲突永久存在的决定性政治根源。2021年1月签署的埃尔奥拉协议(Al-Ula Agreement)并未完全解决争夺霸权的根源,只是卡塔尔与沙特阿拉伯之间冲突的临时解决方案。
While the Gulf States have been involved in several conflicts since the formation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in 1981, the recent crisis between Qatar and the self-proclaimed, Saudi-led 'Quartet’ nations (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt) has been the most severe internal conflict among the Gulf States for decades. The aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the nature, causes, and future of the intra-Gulf conflict through the lens of the nearly four-year blockade of Qatar. The paper appropriates a model of analysis developed by William Bennett in order to assess inter-state conflict in the Arabian Gulf region. Using Bennett’s model, this paper explains how the blockade of Qatar is a product of Saudi Arabia’s hegemonic ambitions. As Bennett’s model argues that political conflicts result from the perpetual imbalance of supply and demand of resources, thus proving that political conflicts are insoluble, regional hegemony is identified as the defining political resource perpetuating conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. As the Al-Ula agreement signed in January 2021 did not fully resolve the roots of this fight for hegemony, this is only a temporary solution to the conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia.