专项练习 | 高考英语读后续写能力提升训练:珍妮买珍珠项链的故事


高中英语预习(ID:gzeg100) 是陕西省教育学会质量综合评价中心联合玖桔教育传媒集团,整合全国教育资源打造的教育融媒体平台,为学生、家长、教师提供教育资讯、教育活动和全面的教育服务。



Jenny was a bright-eyed, pretty five-year-old girl.

One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store(杂货店), Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace which was priced at $2.50. How she wanted that necklace, and when she asked her mother if she would buy it for her, her mother said, 'Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it costs an awful lot of money. I'll tell you what. I'll buy you the necklace, and when we get home we can make up a list of chores that you can do to pay for the necklace. And don't forget that for your birthday Grandma just might give you a whole dollar bill, too. Okay?' Jenny agreed happily, and her mother bought the pearl necklace for her.

Jenny worked on her chores very hard every day, and sure enough, her grandma gave her a brand-new dollar bill for her birthday. Soon Jenny had paid off the pearls. How Jenny loved those pearls! She wore them everywhere to kindergarten, bed and even when she went out with her mother to run errands.

The only time she didn't wear them was in the shower, because her mother had told her that they would turn her neck green!

Jenny had a very loving daddy. When Jenny went to bed, he would get up from his favorite chair every night and read Jenny her favorite story.

One night when he finished the story, he asked Jenny, 'Hey, sweetie, do you love me?'

'Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you,' the little girl said with a warm smile.

'Well, then, give me your pearls.'

'Oh! Daddy, not my pearls!' Jenny refused. 'But you can have Rosy, my favorite doll.

Remember her? You gave her to me last year for my birthday. And you can have her tea party outfit, too. Okay?'

'Oh no, darling, that's okay.'Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss. 'Good night, little one.'


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。

Paragraph 1:

A week later, Jenny’s father once again asked Jenny the same question after her story...

Paragraph 2:

Another week later, when her father came in to read her a story as usual...










(4)结合下划线词罗列写作要点(points)。结合下划线词和文本内容,展开尽可能丰富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如,第一段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作要点“What did Jenny response to father’s question? Did she give the pearls to father or just refuse again? What did the father do after Jenny’s answer?等”第二段可以问以下问题来获取写作要点:“What did the father do this time? Did he still ask the same question? Did Jenny give the pearls to her father at last? If so, what did her father do and how did he feel?等”。


A week later, Jenny’s father once again asked Jenny the same question after her story, 'Do you love me?' Jenny gave a definite answer to this question without hesitation. But when the conversation came to whether she could give her pearls to her father, she refused a second time.

Another week later, when her father came in to read her a story as usual, Jenny was sitting on her bed and her lip was trembling.' Here, Daddy,' she said, and held out her hand. Inside of her hand was her beloved plastic pearl necklace. She let it slip into her father's hand. At this time, her father pulled out of his pocket a bluevelvet box, and some real, genuine, beautiful pearls were just inside. He had had them all along. He was waiting for Jenny to give up the cheap stuff so he could give her the real thing. Sometimes, life is just like this: give up one thing and get another chance to receive a better thing.(除给定词外,164 words)









续写是在原文内容的基础上进一步对接下来发展情节的预测和描写。因此,续写的内容必须与原文紧密相关。可以在情节上承接原文,也可以用特定的细节,如人物,地点,事件等来呼应原文。如在本范文中用a second time来呼应原文中Jenny第一次拒绝爸爸的要求。



在具体的写作过程中我们要对罗列的要点进行筛选和整合,还要考虑写作要点之间连接手段(connectives)的有效运用,例如范文中我们用了a week later和another week later来说明事件的时间顺序,用but来表示转折,用so来表因果关系。这些连接词的使用可以使文本更加紧凑连贯。



Sally had anxiety disorder trouble that made her fail to speak in social situations. I’m a nurse and use Bella to help children in my community, to bring them comfort and confidence the way only a dog can. I thought back to the day when I’d first brought Bella to the school.

That morning in January, her teacher led us to a room. “Sally hasn’t spoken outside her home in two years,” she told me. “Her parents have taken her to doctors, but nothing has worked. ” A little girl stood shyly just inside the doorway. Her eyes brightened when she noticed my dog.

“This is Bella.” I said. “She does tricks. Would you like to see?”

Sally nodded. I motioned with my hand. Bella lay down and then rolled over. Sally’s eyes lit up. I showed Sally the hand signals for various commands. She was a natural with Bella, maybe because she couldn’t rely on the spoken word herself. Bella sensed that and responded. Soon Sally was able to put Bella through her paces all on her own. I could see her standing taller, more sure of herself each time we met.

One morning in March when she was working with Bella, I heard a tiny voice, barely a whisper, “Good dog. ' Sally didn't take her eyes off Bella, but I wanted to jump for joy. Sally spoke a little more each week, only to Bella at first, but then to me. Later, she started giving voice commands with her hand signals and her confidence rose.

Now, five-year-old Sally stood nervously in front of her kindergarten class, with Bella, my trained dog, sitting calmly by her side. All the eyes of her classmates were focused on Sally. They were waiting for her to speak. It was June—only one week of school left—but they had never heard her voice. Not once.

Paragraph 1:

But not a word came out. Sally had been so excited about putting on a dog show for her class.

Paragraph 2:

The next week, she told me she wanted to try again, looking up at me with determination.


Paragraph 1:

But not a word came out. Sally had been so excited about putting on a dog show for her class. She had been quite familiar with the hand signals and had practiced for weeks. Now her eyes found mine. I nodded encouragingly. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth. Her mouth-then her whole body- seemed to close in on itself in defeat. Sally stood off to the side, head down. I felt awful. Sally returned to her seat, not looking at anyone, not even Bella.

Paragraph 2:

The next week, she told me she wanted to try again, looking up at me with determination. I asked whether she was sure and suggested it would be Ok if she waited till next year. She refused and insisted giving her presentation that day. Then we headed to Sally’s classroom. The kids were sitting in a circle on the floor listening to the teacher. We walked to the front of the room. I shook Sally’s hands and stepped back. For a few seconds, she stood silently, staring at her classmates. Finally she whispered, “This is Bella.” Then, a little louder with more confidence. “Bella.”




本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:Sally returned to her seat, not looking at anyone, not even Bella. 现在分词作伴随状语;I asked whether she was sure and suggested it would be Ok if she waited till next year.宾语从句等高级句式。



A dawning sun shaped the massive form of the train. Loaded with fuel, water, and sand for power, the lead train weighed in at 410,000 pounds. Conductor Robert, 49, ran his eye along the 96 cars behind him.

It was 7 a.m. Robert had already checked the list of dangerous materials aboard the train. ''We've got some gas with us,'' he'd reported to his engineer, Lindley, in the cab (驾驶室). The presence of gas would mean taking extra care when braking the 6,200-ton train. With explosive gas on board, an accident would be more dangerous. After a final external inspection, Robert jumped aboard. Slowly the train pulled out of the station.

Robert and Lindley had 50 years of railroading experience between them. They approached Lafayette at about 1:45 p. m. and slowed the train to the speed limit. Lindley turned on his flashing lights and warning bell. The two had been through the city hundreds of times, but they grew extra cautious rounding the first curve (弯道). Ahead, over just three miles of track, lay no fewer than 24 street crossings. As the train came out of the curve, Lindley noticed a small dot on the right rail about 150 yards ahead. He thought it might be a dog. Now, as the train approached within 100 yards of the object on the rail, Robert looked attentively. Then shock coursed through him.

''My God!'' he yelled as a tiny face turned toward him. ''It's a baby!''

Lindley had an instant decision to make, applying full emergency brakes with half the train still wrapped around a curve. He had to risk an emergency stop. Robert opened the left door of the engine cab quickly and stepped out onto a narrow walkway. He hurried to the front of the engine and crossed to the right side. He then stepped down to the lower portion of the walkway just to the back of the train's ''cow catcher''.

Paragraph 1:

Stretching as far as he could, Robert put his right leg out in front of him.

Paragraph 2:

Telling himself he still had a job to do, Robert went back to check on the cars. 


Paragraph 1:

Stretching as far as he could, Robert put his right leg out in front of him. Swinging his leg out, he swept her aside with his foot. Robert swiftly leapt from the moving train and ran back to the child. She lay crying by the tracks, blood streaming from a wound beneath her hair. A great relief sweeping over Robert, Robert lifted her from the dirt. It was only then that Robert noticed the train had stopped and there were flashing red lights of emergency vehicles alongside the tracks. With the baby in his arms, Robert began to walk and was met by the police.

Paragraph 2:

Telling himself he still had a job to do, Robert went back to check on the cars. As Robert aboard rested in the train, his pent-up emotions rushed to the surface. It had all unfolded so fast, and the reality of what he had done was only now hitting him. Within minutes, Lindley was standing beside Robert, taking the controls again. They looked at each other, their expressions of relief and gratitude more persuasive than words. Robert’s overalls were still spotted with blood. The train pulled slowly out of Lafayette.






范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了一些高分句型,例如:It was only then that Robert noticed the train had stopped and there were flashing red lights of emergency vehicles alongside the tracks.使用了强调it was…that…;Lindley was standing beside Robert, taking the controls again.使用了现在分词作状语。

▐ 标签:   高中英语预习  专项练习

