LEVEL LIFT PURE:下一步,你准备好了吗?

LEVEL LIFT PURE电动升降桌让您在工作时随意切换于“站”、“坐”之间。对于那些注重人体工程学和健康办公环境的企业来说,无论在哪个空间,它都是一款绝佳的办公桌。
LEVEL LIFT系列的入门款性价比极高,它不仅能全方位满足您的需求,还可以轻松与新款LEVEL LIFT PURE完美契合。

融入时下最流行的工作桌元素,LEVEL LIFT PURE的桌腿框架提供了丰富的配色选择,包括纯黑、纯白和彩色铝。矩形桌面简约大气,若桌沿采用Soft Edge方式处理,则更能显现出刚柔并济的气质。

所有LEVEL LIFT系列都安装了手动开关技术,对于喜欢智能家居的朋友,您还能选择蓝牙控件加以操作。此外,搭载了“自下而上”导向系统的LEVEL LIFT PURE使桌面高度顺畅无比地穿梭于64至130cm之间。
静音机构开启时的噪音水平:<43 dBA
设计师:Christian Horner


LEVEL LIFT PUREReady for the next level?The electric height-adjustable LEVEL LIFT PURE desk allows you to alternate at work between sitting and standing. It is a perfect desk for companies that place great value on ergonomics and the health of their workforce – at all hierarchical levels.
The first simple and inexpensive entry-level model from the new LEVEL LIFT series conveniently lets you alternate between sitting and standing while working. It adapts perfectly to your needs. It’s easy to work ergonomically with the new LEVEL LIFT PURE!
In the most popular desk formats, the LEVEL LIFT PURE can be designed with the complete frame in black, white or coloured aluminium and a rectangular tabletop with Soft Edge as an option. The new and improved cable tray can be tilted to provide even easier cable management.
All LEVEL LIFT desks are furnished with the latest manual switch technology that also comes with Bluetooth as an additional option. The continuous height adjustments from 64cm all the way to 130 cm are based on a bottom-up guide system.
Continuous height adjustment from 64 to 130cm
Noise level when silent mechanism is on: <43dBA
Maximum load: 100 kg, stand-by < 0.1 watts
Protection against uncontrolled movement (can be optionally increased)
Overload protection
Height adjustment with the latest manual switch technology that also comes with Bluetooth as an additional option
Design: Christian Horner