雅思口语 Work的高分回答示范
1 How did you find that job?
There were a few methods I used. Firstly, I checked out the situations vacant in the newspaper daily. Also, I posted my resume on a few internet sites. Ultimatedly, I was head-hunted by a large multinational. 找工作时,我用了以下几种方法:首先,我会留意日报上的招聘广告。同时,我也在几家网站上发布了我的简历。最后我终于被一家跨国公司的猎头发现了。
2 Is it difficult to find work doing that in your country?
It's not so hard. Firstly, you could pound the pavement. Also, you might try...
3 Is it important for people to do job they enjoy?
I believe it's of great importance. The last thing I'd want to be is a paper pusher... You know, working 9 to 5 in a cramped office somewhere, punching the clock everyday. That's not for me! I enjoy my job, because... 我认为很重要。我最不愿意做的就是摆弄文件的工作。每天从早上9点到下午5点被约束在办公室的某个角落里熬时间。那不是我想要的。我喜欢我的工作,因为...