雅思口语| 5-8月新题Part1话题:Age年龄 高分语料


1. When do you think is the best time to learn driving? 

2. How do you feel about getting older? 

3. Should we treat people of different ages in the same way?

has grown wiser with age 随着年龄的增长变得更睿智了

Perhaps he has grown wiser with age. 或许他已经随着年龄的增长变得更睿智了。

seem to have aged 似乎显得老了

He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months. 他曾一直显得很年轻,但是在过去的几个月里他似乎显得老了。

pay full fare 购全票

Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare. 12岁以上儿童须购全票。

hide her age 掩住她的年龄

No amount of make-up could hide her age. 再多的化妆品也遮掩不住她的年龄。

has a mental age of five 智力年龄是五岁

She is sixteen but has a mental age of five. 她十六岁,而智力年龄是五岁。

marriageable age 适婚年龄

She had reached marriageable age. 当时她已经到了适婚年龄。

is against sb.  对某人不利

Her age is against her. 她的年龄对她不利。

lies about her age谎报自己的年龄

She lies about her age. 她谎报自己的年龄。

official retiring age 正式的退休年龄

The company's official retiring age is 65. 公司正式的退休年龄为65岁。

