
1 make out 认出

On the first page he could just make out the name T. M.Riddle in smudged ink.

tuck away 藏于安全处

Riddle's burnished gold shield was tucked away in a corner cabinet.

3 break off 住嘴

Harry started to explainin a whisper, but at that moment the headmaster stood up to speak, and he broke off.

4 go out熄灭

The candles all went out at once.

5  tell off 训斥

Harry watched him looking around for Percy, who hadbeen prowling betweenthe sleeping bags, telling people off for talking.哈利看他在四处寻找珀西,珀西在睡袋之间蹑手蹑脚地行走,看有谁在说话就告发谁。

And he seemed to be trying to get near enough to start telling them off. 似乎正要挤过来数落训斥他们。

6 blurt out 脱口而出

"Professor Snape's very interested in the DarkArts, he blurted out. “斯内普教授对黑魔法很感兴趣呢。”他脱口而出。

7 pull together 振作精神

Hagrid blew his nose on a handkerchief the size of a tablecloth and said, "Yer right. I can' afford to go to pieces. Gotta pull myself together.....海格才在一块足有桌布那么大的手帕上擤了擤鼻子说:“你们说得对。我可不能垮了。一定要振作起来..”

