>>> Oh my god, I saw my ex-girlfriend yesterday and I just blanked her, cuz any conversation would be awkward I'm afraid. 天呢,我昨天看到我前女友了,然后我就忽略她了。毕竟说啥都是尴尬至极好嘛。
>>> I like to go people watching when I go on holiday to a new city. I mean, I like to just sit in a cafe and just look at the people walking past and it's a great way to know a new area. 我去一个新城市度假的时候喜欢看看那里的人来人往。我是说我喜欢坐在一家小餐厅里面,看看路上走着的人们。我觉得这是一个了解一个地方还蛮不错的方式呢。
>>> Oh,I took a snapshot of a red double decker in London. And I'm going to Instagram it with a hashtag 'double decker'. 我快速拍下了一张伦敦的红色巴士。我准备打上标签#红色巴士#,上传Instagram。
>>> When we were taking a selfie, a guy just photobombed us. 我们准备自拍的时候,一个人故意在后面捣蛋出现在照片里。
>>> He always rides the shotgun and pays attention to road conditions ahead. 他总是坐在车子的前排座位上,注意观察前方路段。