生气的时候不做决定,开心的时候不做承诺,但很多时候错误的决定往往都是在情急之下做出的,而且做决定的人有可能会因此后悔一辈子。不要挥洒自己的任性或怒气,控制住自己的脾气,这正是人需要修炼的高尚品质。那么,情急之下用英语怎么表达呢?除了常见的表生气的单词 anger 或 angry,在英语中表示生气的表达方式不计其数,如 piss sb off,in a fit of anger,in a huff 等等,例如:I was well pissed off about it at the time.She slammed the door in a fit of anger.He made her so angry that she left in a huff.不得不说灵活的表达方式不但可以增强英语语感,还可以增强自信心,因此学习要分门别类和融会贯通,才能事半功倍和左右逢源。
在英语中表达在不假思索的情况下做某事可以用 in the heat of the moment,它用来表示被眼前发生的事弄得不知所措或被激怒,所以 in the heat of the moment 可以译为”在盛怒之下,情急之下,一时冲动“等,例如:
He really didn’t mean what he said about you. He said it in the heat of the moment.他说的关于你的话真的不是真的。他一时冲动说了这话。He was very stressed and frustrated and quit his job in the heat of the moment.She had a big argument with her husband and left him in the heat of the moment.He lost his head in the heat of the moment and tried to hit the police officer.In sports, most offences are actually committed in the heat of the moment. The offenders usually rue their actions later.在体育运动中,大多数违法行为实际上是在情急之下犯下的。违规者通常事后后悔自己的行为。能控制自己的脾气是一件难能可贵的事情,它是社会和谐的基础,是工作顺利的保障,是家庭和睦的根本。<----------------------------------------->1. rue [ruː] 对…感到懊恼,懊悔,它是过时或正统的用词,例如:He rued the day they had bought such a large house.
He went off in a huff when she criticized his work.
3. lose one's head 惊慌失措,失去理智等,例如:
You need to calm down before you talk to Larry. You don't want to lose your head before finding out his side of the story.在你和拉里说话之前,你需要冷静下来。你不想在发现他那一面之前就失去理智。