



埃塞俄比亚是世界上最早盛行基督教的地方之一,其历史可以追溯到《圣经》的旧约时期。而因为埃塞俄比亚位于干旱的非洲大陆,地表贫瘠、岩石密布,所以催生了众多岩石教堂,也成为了埃塞俄比亚的特色。在众多岩石教堂中,位于埃塞俄比亚北部提格雷省250米悬崖之上的Abuna Yemata Guh最为惊奇,是世界上最难到达的教堂。






The Tigray Region in northern Ethiopia is known for its assembly of rock-hewn churches. Sculpted out of sandstone, the most wondrous of these is Abuna Yemata Guh. There is only one way up, you have to climb this cliff face. Welcome to the world’s most perilous church. Established in the fifth century, the church is named after its founder and builder, Father Yemata. Perched 650 feet above a steep cliff, some say he chose its location to be closer to heavenly spirits, others argue it was a strategic move to avoid his enemies. Either way, the church’s location, ceiling frescoes and precious goat skin bible have attracted worshipers for centuries. The church has 20 clergymen, and is managed by this high-ranking priest. He has lived here for over 47 years. And he makes the climb everyday.

For fearless worshipers, the two hours trek to the top begins by hiking to the bottom of the rock from the valley below. Visitors must first remove their shoes before climbing.

The final obstacle to the church’s entrance can test the most ardent pilgrim’s faith. A narrow cliff ledge with a deadly drop to left and no room for error. Once through, you may think you’re in heaven, but you’ve never felt more alive.


  1. Perilous: 危险的

  2. Frescoes: 壁画

  3. Clergyman: 牧师,教士

  4. Ardent: 热情的

  5. Ledge: 平台

