YY直播虚假浏览量折射出“注意力经济”的骗局 | 经济学人精讲第832期




You’ve been botted 你被骗了

Is the attention economy being captured by virtual eyeballs?


  • the economy of attention:注意力经济,是指企业最大限度地吸引用户或消费者的注意力,通过培养潜在的消费群体,以期获得最大未来商业利益的一种特殊的经济模式。在这种经济状态中,最重要的资源既不是传统意义上的货币资本,也不是信息本身,而是大众的注意力,只有大众对某种产品注意了,才有可能成为消费者,购买这种产品,而要吸引大众的注意力,重要的手段之一,就是视觉上的争夺,也正由此,注意力经济也称为“眼球经济”。

A short-selling row highlights the dodgy metrics of online commerce


Nov 28th 2020 |

IT WAS A spectacular bit of timing. On November 16th Baidu, a Chinese online-search giant, said it would buy YY Live, a China-focused video-streaming service with 40m monthly users, for $3.6bn. Two days later Muddy Waters, an American short-seller, published a report claiming YY Live was “an ecosystem of mirages” and “almost entirely fake”. The share price of JOYY, YY Live’s parent company, slid by 26%.


Muddy Waters alleges that JOYY’s platforms, including YY Live, are infested with “bots”—computers that log on to “watch” streams, pretending to be human. Many, it says, appear to sit in JOYY’s internal networks. The upshot, it alleges, is that somewhere between 73% and 84% of JOYY’s revenue is suspect.

  • be infested with: 这里是“充斥的”意思


JOYY responded by saying the report contained “numerous errors, unsubstantiated statements and misleading conclusions and interpretations”. It said it would be open to “cash verification and diligence” conducted by “competent third-party advisers”. (JOYY and Baidu did not respond to requests for comment.)

  • unsubstantiated:未经证实的

  • due diligence: 尽职调查

  • request for comment:请求评论、置评



