Graduation Ceremony | 南外国王创始届毕业典礼——愿君如长风,所遇皆彩虹

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· 南外国王国际学校创始届毕业庆典 ·




















| 全体起立,升国旗,奏唱国歌


| 无锡市人民政府副市长秦咏薪先生致辞



| 南外国王总校长董正璟先生致辞

作为总校长,我非常感谢执行校长 Dr Kennard 和中方校长沈校长在这三年办学中做出的努力,也感谢全校中外教师的辛苦付出,更感谢同学们的努力奋斗。


| 南外国王执行校长 John Kennard 博士致辞







在此,我也代表2021届毕业生,感谢Mr. Stefan Sjodin和他带领的教师团队,正是有你们的专业精神和付出,才有了同学们的成功。高中三年,老师们努力了,辛苦了,希望同学们再接再厉,大学期间继续努力,做得更好。



| 南外国王中方校长沈茂德先生致辞






































| 南外国王管弦乐团+G12毕业生王子云 合奏《我和我的祖国》

| 创校生代表——沈安行刘以恒发言


 # 润物无声 难忘师恩
















 # 饮水思源,感恩父母








| 南外国王妈妈艺术团——向日葵合唱团《大鱼》

| 创校生家长代表——薛彭璐轩妈妈发言

| 毕业生和家长互赠礼物


由高中部校长 Mr Stefan Sjodin拨穗

从 Dr John Kennard 手中郑重接过毕业证书











Class of 2021

Graduation Ceremony

Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony

After this moment,

A new chapter will begin in your life...

Congratulations, Class of 2021!

Graduation Procession

Before the start of the ceremony, 29 graduates lined up for the graduation procession outside of the Auditorium. With the melodious sound of Scottish bagpipes leading the way, they walked cross the Double A Square in their graduation gowns with the crowd clapping and cheering them on.

“I hope the dreams take you

to the corners of your smile,

to the highest of your hopes,

to the windows of your opportunities,

and to the most special places

your heart has ever known.”


Graduation Ceremony began when all the graduates, their families, school leadership teams and guests from Dipont and Wuxi government arrived.

| Flag-raising Ceremony

 #Guest Speeches

| Deputy Mayor's Opening Speech

NKCS Wuxi has received good reputation over the three years. NKCS seeks to merge the west and the east and promote the holistic education that is ability-oriented. It explores the international educated that is deeply rooted in China and practices the education that guides the personality development. It forms of the brand of NKCS in international education and offers a sample of future schools. It also contributes to the internationalization of Wuxi and the education of Wuxi.

School has experienced its founding period. I wish the Dipont Education Group and all of the staff in NKCS Wuxi keep going and step forward. Please continue to explore the curriculum and education system of “future school”, lead the practice and exploration of establishing international schools in China, develop a outstanding “name-card” of international education in the Yangtze River Delta.

| General Principal's Speech

As the General Principal, I would like to thank the Executive Principal, Dr Kennard, and the Chinese Principal, Mr Shen, for their hard work over the past three years. I would also like to thank the Chinese teachers, foreign teachers and students for their hard work.  I am very glad to see that under the leadership of SLT, the school's curriculum is becoming richer and richer, the operating system is becoming better and better, the learning atmosphere is becoming stronger and stronger, and the social reputation is getting better and better. I believe that a prestigious international school has been formed in Wuxi.

| NKCS Executive Principal's Speech

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Today is the occasion to celebrate a highly successful year at Nanwai King’s College School, and to acknowledge the accomplishments and achievements of the students in the foundation Grade 12 class.

We are understandably proud of the Class of 2021.  Most have been at NKCS since the opening of the school in September 2018, others joined shortly after.  What we, as a community, have witnessed over the past three years has been a blossoming of academic performance, character development and social responsibility.

As a class, they have shone on every front and set the standard for groups that will follow in their footsteps.  In classrooms, on stage and out in the community, they have been role-models for all that we stand for at NKCS.  They have upheld the vision of the school and its 5 core values of: respect, compassion, honesty, collaboration, and personal responsibility.  As a group, they have been forthright, determined, yet circumspect.  Indeed, the quality of their university offers was testament to their endeavours over the past three years.

Of course, it is a little sad having to say farewell to the foundation group of Grade 12s. You shall be missed in so many ways.  However, I encourage each of you to remain in touch with the school. As foundation graduates, you are also the foundation group of NKCS alumni.  In time, the Nanwai King’s diaspora will be spread across the globe, providing opportunities to network and socialise. In the future, there will be reunions, dinners, concerts, charitable functions and sporting events, attracting an ever-growing band of NKCS alumni wanting to stay connected with their alma mater.

Already, we are planning a gathering at King’s College School in London in the Fall.  This will provide an opportunity for members of the Class of 2021, who will be at university in the United Kingdom next year, to meet fellow KCS alumni in a social setting.  In time, this will become an annual event, strengthening the considerable ties we already enjoy with King’s College School.

As a school, we would also take this opportunity to thank the parents of the Class of 2021. Three years ago, you entrusted your children to NKCS, with the expectation that we would nurture their growth and development in multiple fields.  I hope that we have delivered and that you have no regrets following the decision to come to this school.  You are also graduating today as the Parents of 2021, and our hope is that you too will remain in touch with the school in the years ahead.  Thank you for the contributions and commitment that you, as parents, have given NKCS.

On behalf of the Class of 2021, I also extend my thanks to Mr. Stefan Sjodin and the teachers for their professionalism and dedication in bringing the students to this point in their educational journey.  The teachers have done their part over the past three years; it is now up to the students to step-up, and to make the most of the experiences that university will bring.

Finally, I would like to thank Dipont Education, King’s College School Wimbledon, Nanjing Foreign Language School, and the Wuxi Government for your on-going support.  The success of the school, as reflected by the Class of 2021, owes much to the support of our partners.  Thank you, one and all.

| NKCS Chinese Principal's Speech

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At this moment, standing at the splendid auditorium celebrating your graduation, witness your achievement, I am as excited as you are.

Today is a day of appreciation. We are so appreciated that, three years before, you chose to study at Nanwai King’s College School. Through three years’ effort, you have solidified the academic foundation of Nanwai  King’s College School.

Just as the Russian poet, Pushkin, once said: “What you’ve experienced will eventually become the best memory.”  I  believe that everything of your Alma Mater will be well memorized.  Also, our teachers will never forget the development of the 29 founding students of Nanwai King’s College School.

It should be always kept in mind that, in this world there are two people who always devote to you but never ask you to pay back. In your progress, they had devoted a lot, sacrificed a lot, and never ask you to pay back.

In this three years, there is also a group of  caring people, lead you, guide you and with you, as teachers and as friends. They not only teach you knowledge but also foster your  values and responsibility. Please also express your appreciation to them with applause.

Dear students, do not forget that in the three years’ time,  there is another group of people who work very hard to provide a safe and comfortable campus life for us.  They are the security team, canteen team, cleaning workers and boarding team. Let us also express our appreciation to them…

By the time you receive your graduation certification, I would like to tell you: On your life journey, please keep this quote in your mind which stated by Guofan Zeng: Those who with greatest talents fails because of arrogance, a man becomes mediocre due to his laziness. Always believe that: work hard day by day and improve your capability little by little, you will finally succeed. Always believe that:  Smartness is important, however, diligence is even more important.

By the time you are leaving the school, I would like to tell you: As a younger generation, you have broader range of knowledge and vision, standing at a higher platform……

I firmly believe that:  there is outstanding future scientist among you, also there will be future doctors, lawyers, accountant, writer, teacher. Etc.

I firmly believe that  “All roads lead to Rome.” And I also believe that happiness is achieved through hard work.

You will leave your motherland and travel to another country for study. I would like to tell you that:Among numerous skin colors, ours is earth-like yellow; And among numerous eye colors, ours is quartz-like black, I am proud, because I come from China.

Also, I would like to share a quote from a scholar with you: No matter what China is like, please remember, wherever you go, you will represent China. How you act, leaves impressions to others as the behavior of a Chinese citizen. If you have light, China will not be dark.

Before you get married, as an elder, I want to say to you: In the future, you will all have a family, you will have your own child and become a father or a mother. I hope you will lead a spring-like life. The road of life, crisscross, such as duckweed, there are always ups and downs. But every spring, we can always see the beauty of the season, the soft spring rain,  the green trees, the fragrant flowers, the flying butterflies, the returning swallows. I hope your heart will always be full of sunshine, cherishing life, be grateful for life, and put on a smile when you come across with ups and downs of life. Always keep high spirited attitude. Thus, you will surely lead a  spring-like life.

Saying goodbye to you, I would like to say: I always firmly believe that:Every student is unique and precious. I also believe that our 29 young students who are just like the little trees will eventually grow into giant trees. Always remember this address, No. 188 Qingyuan road, Jingkai district, Wuxi, do come back and visit.

| NKCS Student Orchestra Performance

| Student Representatives’ Speech

We've been a special year group since the foundation of NKCS. As founding students, we witnessed this school grow with us in the past three years, from a newly-established school to a well-known symbol of Wuxi. There were difficulties at the beginning, but we didn't give up and cooperate with the school actively to make it better. The ourbreak of Covid-19 also made our experiences of high school a different one. It was new for both teachers and students to have online classes, and it was also full of nerve during our application season, since we were facing an unknown situation of the world last year.  It brought us with a unique life-long lesson. Finally, after having all the challenges encountered and overcome, we are here now proud to say that we've provided satisfying results to our three-year efforts at NKCS.

 # Appreciation of Teachers

Teacher representatives came on stage to receive flowers from the graduates

Donation Ceremony of NKCS Education Foundation

Donated by: Mr Benson ZhangMs Lingyun Xie、

Mr Lie Bao、Mr Wen Wang、Ms Xiaoyan Fei

NKCS graduates shows extraordinary brilliance in various fields. The NKCS Education Foundation awarded the Honorary Graduate Education Scholarship:

Leader of Tomorrow Award: Ian Liu、Ann Shen

Academic Excellence Award:Celia Xue

Academic Progress Achievement Award:Sebastian Fang

Artistic Talent Award:Prince Wang、Kevin Xue

Award for Outstanding Contribution in Sports:Amy Xu

 # Appreciation of Parents

From childhood to adulthood

The growth of children affects the hearts of their parents

When the children go abroad in the near future

The love from their parents

will always be warm and selfless

Children will be more brave to face the challenges in life.

| NKCS Parent Choir Performance

| Parents' Representative Speech

| Parents-Students Gift Exchange

At the end of the ceremony, each graduate stepped onto the stage in turn. Mr Stefan Sjodin, head of NKCS upper secondary school turned the tassel and each of them  received diploma from Dr John Kennard, NKCS executive principal.

Teachers, parents and guests were very emotional, with tears of

joy running down their faces.

Graduation is like a bridge to the next part of your life, and everything that got you here—hard work, drive and confidence—is going to carry you across to the future you deserve.

A Learning Community


to Excellence

南外国王国际学校由狄邦教育联手南京外国语学校和英国国王学院学校(King's College School, Wimbledon)两所全球名校联合创建。学校由狄邦教育运营和管理,以“共同学习,共创卓越”为使命,为3-18岁中外籍学生构建一个融贯中西教育、关注个体成长的学习共同体,培养具有民族根基、国际视野、富有创新精神、协作能力及社会责任感的未来青年领袖。

幼儿园     13033507387

小学     18601577976

初中以及外籍子女     18352512652

高中   13057206998


