


方法:建立SD大鼠心肌梗死后心力衰竭模型。所有心肌梗死面积>40%的心衰大鼠左心室(LV)被选作全心脏实验,细胞实验或分子分析; 通过超声心动图检查(Vevo 770,视觉系统,加拿大多伦多)在1.5%异氟烷和40%氧气60%中进行在左胸骨旁位置用一个24兆赫换能器的N2O麻醉混合物。射血分数(EF)和缩短分数(FS)用光标根据M型腔尺寸,计算垂直于左室前后壁放置。心肌梗死大鼠随机分为安静对照组(Sed)、中等强度耐力训练组(MOD)和高强度耐力训练组(Mod),训练时间为8 周。运动训练:大鼠在代谢室的定制跑步机上跑步,高强度运动训练为上坡跑(25°),在VO2max的85%-90%下4分钟和50%的VO2max2分钟,60分钟/天,5天/周, 8周。这个中等强度运动训练大鼠交替上上坡跑(25°)在最大摄氧量为65–70%时为4分钟,在最大摄氧量为50%时为2分钟, 60分钟/天,5天/周, 8周。



Exercise training reveals micro-RNAs associated with improved cardiac function and electrophysiology in rats with heart failure after myocardial infarction

Aims: Endurance training improves aerobic ftness and cardiac function in individuals with heart failure. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well characterized. Exercise training could therefore act as a toolto discover novel targets for heart failure treatment. We aimed to associate changes in Ca2+ handling andelectrophysiology with micro-RNA (miRNA) profle in exercise trained heart failure rats to establish whichmiRNAs induce heart failure-like effects in Ca2+ handling and electrophysiology.

Methods and results: Post-myocardial infarction (MI) heart failure was induced in Sprague Dawley rats. Rats withMI were randomized to sedentary control (sed), moderate (mod)- or high-intensity (high) endurance training for8 weeks. Exercise training improved cardiac function, Ca2+ handling and electrophysiology including reducedsusceptibility to arrhythmia in an exercise intensity-dependent manner where high intensity gave a larger effect.Fifty-fve miRNAs were signifcantly regulated (up or down) in MI-sed, of which 18 and 3 were changed towards Sham-sed in MI-high and MI-mod, respectively. Thereafter we experimentally altered expression of these “exercise-miRNAs” individually in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hIPSC-CM) in the same direction as they were changed in MI. Of the “exercise-miRNAs”, miR-214-3p prolonged AP duration,whereas miR-140 and miR-208a shortened AP duration. miR-497-5p prolonged Ca2+ release whereas miR-214-
3p and miR-31a-5p prolonged Ca2+ decay.

Conclusion: Using exercise training as a tool, we discovered that miR-214-3p, miR-497-5p, miR-31a-5p contribute to heart-failure like behaviour in Ca2+ handling and electrophysiology and could be potential treatment targets.

翻译:安丽    编辑:佟睿    审校:曹莹

