宁波大学医学院作为第一单位发表的这篇miRNA文章“MircoRNA-33a inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis and could be a prognostic marker in non-small cell lung cancer”因为部分图片重复使用于2021年4月14日被Scientific Reports期刊撤稿。具体详情如下:
1、Figures 2G 、 4G和Figures 2H 、4H存在部分重复性:

2、Figure 4E 、4F存在部分重复性

3、Figure 2E 、4E,和Figure 4F 、2F之间存在部分重复性

由于这篇文章存在上面这些问题,所以Scientific Reports期刊主编不再相信这篇文章得出的结果、结论,从而将这篇文章撤稿。
The Editors have retracted this Article.
After publication, it was brought to the Editors' attention that there were irregularities in a number of figures, specifically:
Partial overlap of panels between Figures 2G and 4G, and Figures 2H and 4H
Duplication of parts of panels within Figure 4E and 4F
Duplication of parts of panels within Figure 2E and 4E, and Figure 4F and 2F
The Editors therefore no longer have confidence in the integrity of the data presented.
Zhaohui Gong disagrees with the retraction of the Article. Lihua Yang, Jie Yang, Jingqiu Li, Xingkai Shen, Yanping Le, Chengwei Zhou, Shaomin Wang, Shun Zhang, and Dazhi Xu did not respond to correspondence in regard to the retraction of this Article.