值得收藏的小学英文绘本原版《King Bidgood's in the Bathtub》
绘本简介:King Bidgood's in the Bathtub《浴缸里的国王》讲述了一个国王,泡在浴缸里不肯起来,大家群力群策,将国王骗出浴缸的故事。此书获得1986年凯迪克银奖作品,以其精美绝伦的绘画、诙谐幽默的语言,获得读者的一致好评。作者奥黛丽·伍德(Audrey Wood )唐·伍德(Don Wood) 是美国童书界很受欢迎的一对夫妻档。他们一同为孩子们创作了许多精彩的图画书。共9本,其中最著名的就是《King Bidgood's In The Bathtub》和《the Naping House》。本故事和经典童话《皇帝的新衣》有异曲同工之妙,从滑稽的氛围到有趣的结局,小朋友的童言无忌与小侍童的四两拨千斤,都能让小读者津津有味、乐在其中。让我们一起来看看这个“调皮国王”的故事吧!

"Help! Help!"cried the Page when the sun came up.
Oh, who knows what to do?"
喂── 有谁知道该怎么办?”

"I do!"cried the Knight when the sun came up.
"Come in!"cried the King, with a boom, boom, boom.
“进来!”国王叫道,“嘣、 嘣、 嘣!”

"Today we battle in the tub!"

"Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun got hot.
Oh, who knows what to do?"
喂── 有谁知道该怎么办?”

"I do." cried the Queen when the sun got hot.
"Come in!" cried the King, with a yum, yum, yum.

"Today we lunch in the tub!"

"Help! Help!" cried the Page when the sun sank low.
“不得了,快来啊!” 当太阳快下山时,佩奇大喊。
Oh, who knows what to do?"

"I do." cried the Duke when the sun sank low.
"Come in!" cried the King, with a trout, trout, trout.

"Today we fish in the tub!"

"Help! Help!" cried the Page when the night got dark.
“不得了,快来啊!” 当天越来越黑时,佩奇大喊。
Oh, who knows what to do?”

"We do." cried the Court when the night got dark.
"Get out for a Masquerade Ball!"

"Today we dance in the tub!"

"Help! Help!" cried the Court when the moon shone bright.
“不得了,快来啊!” 当月亮越来越亮时,小丑们大喊。
Oh, who knows what to do?
喂── 有谁知道该怎么办?
Who knows what to do?"

"I do!" said the Page when the moon shone bright,
and then he pulled the plug.

Glub, glub, glub!