Tautochrone | Korteweg-de Vries方程与逆散射变换


Korteweg-de Vries方程 Schrödinger方程的散射 Lax算子对 正散射问题 逆散射问题 散射资料的演化 孤立子解 总结与挖坑
I was observing the motion of a boat which was rapidly drawn along a narrow channel by a pair of horses, when the boat suddenly stopped - not so the mass of water in the channel which it had put in motion; it accumulated round the prow of the vessel in a state of violent agitation, then suddenly leaving it behind, rolled forward with great velocity, assuming the form of a large solitary elevation, a rounded, smooth and well-defined heap of water, which continued its course along the channel apparently without change of form or diminution of speed. I followed it on horseback, and overtook it still rolling on at a rate of some eight or nine miles an hour, preserving its original figure some thirty feet long and a foot to a foot and a half in height. Its height gradually diminished, and after a chase of one or two miles I lost it in the windings of the channel. Such, in the month of August 1834, was my first chance interview with that singular and beautiful phenomenon which I have called the Wave of Translation’.

Korteweg-de Vries方程








利用WKB近似处理非线性PDE的逆散射问题,并引入Hamilton力学的范 通过求解对应的Riemann-Hilbert边值问题来处理逆散射问题


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