总有人说没有钱给版面费,写了纯生信SCI论文,不想发OA期刊,只想发非OA期刊,这样就不用交版面费。现在分享一本会接收纯生信数据挖掘文章的非OA期刊,该期刊就是Ann Hum Genet,影响因子:1.368,中科院最新分区:4区,虽然这本期刊影响因子比较低,但是难度却不小,甚至比一些5-6分的OA期刊还要难,因为它的发文量非常小。该期刊的审稿周期大概3到4个月,不在中科院《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》名单( 2021年1月发布版)上,同时被Science Citation Index 和Science Citation Index Expanded收录。
Human genome variation – its evolution and implications for human biology. Interpretations of the past, current or future state of the human genome sequence, including ancient DNA studies, are also welcomed.
Human population and evolutionary genetics – including studies aimed at inferring human demographic and adaptation history, at improving our understanding of chromosome evolution, and at describing the geographic distribution of biologically/medically-relevant genetic variation, worldwide.
Statistical genetics – the application and improvement of mathematical approaches for analysis of genetic data, including linkage and association mapping of genes and QTLs. The journal also welcomes papers focussing on more general bioinformatic developments.
Genetics of common multifactorial diseases and other complex traits – in general we expect these to be human but relevant animal models will also be considered. We also publish meta-analyses, provided they conform to specified requirements.
Mendelian disorders and rare variant effects – including studies exploring the effects of DNA changes and chromosomal abnormalities on cell biology and on phenotype.
Animal and in vitro studies - relevant non-human studies will be considered including animal models of human disease, explorations of mechanisms underlying genetic effects on human phenotypes and genetics of human pathogens.
RNA studies - studies relevant to humans which investigate the effects of genetic variation on gene expression and which investigate the functioning of RNA in biological processes.
Pharmacogenomics - studies of effects of genetic variation on efficacy or tolerability of drug treatments.
Cancer genetics - relationship of germline and somatic variants to cancer risk and responses to treatment.
Clinical genetics - we will consider accounts of clinical applications of scientific advances in genetics and of clinical findings which provide important new knowledge applicable beyond the context of the individual patient.
Social and ethical issues - we welcome submissions addressing the role of genetics in society and challenging or controversial issues arising from clinical and non-clinical aspects of the implementation of genetic technologies.
Xie H, Zhang JF, Li Q. Identification and analysis of genes associated with lung adenocarcinoma by integrated bioinformatics methods. Ann Hum Genet. 2021 May;85(3-4):125-137. doi: 10.1111/ahg.12418. Epub 2021 Apr 13. PMID: 33847374.