
Tusks hacked from more than 500 African elephants have been found in an abandoned container at a Cambodian port.


The 3.2-tonne haul, worth about £2.5 million on the black market, had been concealed among slabs of marble in a shipment from Mozambique.


The 1,026 yellowing tusks, some cut from very young animals, were sorted by officials at the port at Phnom Penh into long lines.


Yet the massive seizure represents only ten days’ work for poachers who have wiped out 90 per cent of Africa’s elephants in the past century to meet an apparently insatiable appetite for ivory.


Sun Chhay, the port’s customs and excise director, said the container had been left unclaimed for more than a year and was searched after a tip-off from the US embassy.


The discovery highlights the growing dominance of the route from Mozambique to Cambodia in the £17 billion-a-year illicit trade in supposedly protected wildlife, fuelled by demand from China and Vietnam.


In recent years Mozambique has become increasingly lawless and its northern coast is now a hub for heroin, timber, ivory and ruby smuggling.


With one billion containers shipped worldwide each year, international ports are smugglers’ preferred route; especially if officers at either end can be easily bribed.


The source of the tusks discovered in the Cambodian capital is not known but they are likely to have come from a variety of locations across southern Africa.


International trade in fresh ivory has been banned since 1989 but countries are only now shutting down domestic markets which have long argued they were trading in old ivory, a claim that provided cover for modern poaching.


The most significant move was this year’s closure of China’s domestic ivory market, which led to a drop in demand and the value of ivory from £1,200 to £675 per kilogram.


China still permits trade in “relics” without a specified age.


In 1980 there were 1.3 million elephants in Africa.


Now there are barely 400,000, with an estimated 55 killed every day for their tusks.


Last week the British parliament voted to ban the sale of ivory of any age in the UK, with very limited exemptions relating to rare and valuable antiques and for museums.


According to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, Britain was the world’s largest exporter of legal ivory between 2010 and 2015.

根据《濒危物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), 2010年至2015年间,英国是全球最大的合法象牙出口国。



