[第241次听写]Bobo the Sperm Guy是啥意思?
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!
But um, we just refer to you as Bobo the Sperm Guy
refer to sb/sth (as sth)=称呼, 提及
to mention or speak about someone or something
She always referred to Ben as “that nice man.”
Bobo the Sperm Guy是本篇的难点, 我查了半小时
从下图的这句话可以推断出Bobo the Sperm guy并不是一个slang或idiom
它就是老友记中的一句台词, 但却广为流传, 慢慢成了一个用法了, 但还没达到被词典收录的程度
童鞋说: Bobo是不是听起来比较想爸爸, 所以是类似父亲的拟声词呢
这是不对的, 因为你看Bobo the sperm guy这个表达, 就是在弱化Ross的父亲角色, 不给他父亲的名号, 而是称之为: 那个提供了精子的家伙
Bobo这个词有很多个意思, 比如Shortening of bourgeois bohemian, popularized by David Brooks to describe the 1990s equivalent of the yuppie.
还有off-brand. Typically implies lower cost and lower quality than a mainstream brand.
我的感觉是: 它不是上边的一个任何意思, 就是一个拟声词, 然后作为一个指代无名氏的名字
这类似破案的美剧, 常常出现无名氏的死者, 身份不明的死者, 称之为John Doe
另外提醒大家注意the sperm guy这种表达方式
类似的我们就可以写the pizza guy, the sandwich girl
带上名字的话就是Jim the pizza guy, Kate the sandwich girl
从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.
1 What, you don’t think they can hear sounds in there?
什么, 你不认为她们在那里边可以听到声音吗?
2 You’re not serious, I mean, you really… you really talk to it?
你不是认真的吧, 我是说, 你真的…你真的跟它说话?
3 Yeah, all the time. I want the baby to know my voice.
对呀, 经常的. 我想让宝宝认识我的声音
4 Do you uh, do you talk about me?
那你们, 嗯, 你们会说起我吗?
5 -Yeah, yeah, all the time. -Really?
-嗯, 嗯, 经常的 -真哒?
6 But um, we just refer to you as Bobo the Sperm Guy.
但是, 额, 我们只是把你称之为Bobo, 那个提供精子的家伙
7 Look, if she’s talking to it, I just think I should get some belly time too, you know. I mean, not that, not that I believe any of this.
瞧, 如果她跟宝宝讲话, 我就是觉得, 我也应该得到一些肚皮时间, 你懂的. 我是说, 倒不是, 倒不是我相信任何的这些东西