

Sichuan was the province with the largest variety, the largest number, the most complicated format and the longest duration of copper coins minted during the Republic of China. Sichuan copper coins made by the military government were the product of the 1911 Revolution. After the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, Sichuan declared its independence on November 27, starting with a railway dispute. Sichuan, the most populous province in the Qing Empire, finally declared its independence and established the Sichuan Military Government in the Han Dynasty. In December 1911, the Chengdu Rebellion took place. The Sichuan Military Government, with Yin Changheng and Laurent as its chief and deputy governors, replaced the Sichuan Military Government, which had been built for only 12 days.


After the Revolution of 1911, at the beginning of the construction of the new military government in Sichuan, it was faced with the financial predicament that needed to spend more and more time. The military government quickly accepted the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Chengdu Mint of Sichuan, under the orders of the Sichuan Military Government, forged "Sichuan Copper coin made by the military government" (also known as "Han" Copper coin). The military government created Sichuan Copper coin at the historic moment. It has a distinct and strong historical characteristics and has great historical significance.


This exquisite "Sichuan copper coin made by the military government" has a diameter of 3.64 cm and a weight of 17.3 g. Its surface is smooth and smooth, and its edge has no obvious impact marks, etc. It is of good quality. Regular shape, appropriate size, old-fashioned pulping, rust natural, clear traces of the years, circulation and use of obvious traces, natural historical transition, for coins treasures.


The front of the coin has four characters of "Sichuan Copper coin" in the central bead circle, which are divided into upper and lower parts. The center of the four characters is a delicate Hibiscus flower, which marks Chengdu, Rongcheng. The upper margin of the bead circle is "made by the military government" and the lower margin is "fifty words for making money", indicating the value of the currency and decorating the left and right with flower stars. In the central circle on the back of the silver coin is a seal book "Han". There are dozens of horizontal lines on the bottom of the word "Han". Therefore, coin collectors also call it "Han" silver yuan. There were 18 small circles outside the "Han" circle, representing 18 provinces at that time. The combination of 18 small circles around the word "Han" implies that the people of 18 provinces united to fight for "expelling the Tartars and restoring China". The six words "the first year of the Republic of China" are inscribed on the upper end of the circle. It bears the distinct epoch mark of the Revolution of 1911 and witnesses the magnificent history of the nation. Accordingly, it has different collecting value.


Sichuan Copper coin was a currency issued and circulated by Sichuan Province at that time, which was unique in the history of collection. At the same time, due to the historical factors of the specific period at that time, the current stock is relatively scarce, the market value and market prospects are very huge, which are sought after by Tibetans. Because the circulation rate of Sichuan copper coins is not high, they can only be traded within the scope of Sichuan, so the circulation range is very narrow, resulting in the circulation of Sichuan copper coins is not high. Economic laws and collections have always been based on the law that "scarcity is the most precious thing". As a special currency of special historical period and local regime, military government currency has dual functions of military currency and civil currency, is the product of history, has irreplaceable cultural relic value, and is the witness of history

