


假如你是 Sara,在学校的英语竞赛中,你取得了第一名的好成绩。同学们邀请你向他们介绍一下你学习英语的经验。请你根据以下提示,写一篇 70 词左右的短文,给他们提些建议吧!

1. 对学习英语感兴趣;

2. 喜欢听英文音乐和看英文电影;

3. 经常用英语和别人交谈;

4. 喜欢用英语写读后感。


1. be interested in... 对……感兴趣

2. try to do sth 尽力做某事

3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事

1. I'm glad to...

2. Why not...?


Good morning everyone!

I'm glad to tell you something about my English study. I am very interested in English. Here's some advice for you.

First, listening is very important in learning English. Why not listen to some easy English songs or see English movies every day? Then, try to speak English as much as possible, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Finally, after you read an English story, you can write something about the story to improve your writing!

keep  active  保持活力
fast food    快餐
I am Kangakang. I am glad to talk about health.
I never go to school without breakfast. I think breakfast can keep us active all day. I always have meals at home and I seldom eat out. I don’t like fast food. Mum says it is unhealthy.
I like doing sports. Before breakfast I run for half an hour. I play basketball with my friends after school. Of course I also do some other sports. I exercise at least two hours every day.
I played computer games a lot before, but now I find myself and I am living a healthy and happy life. What about you?
请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较。词数80左右。
as ... as 和...一样...
taller and stronger than...  比...高、壮
have something in common 有共同点
My best friend
My best friend is Li Ming. We are in the same class.
He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me. Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine.
As for hobbies, we have something in common  in some ways. I like the friends who have the same hobbies with me. Both of us like sports. We often exercises together after school. But he is more outgoing and better at sports than me. Besides, collecting stamps is our same hobby, too. We often exchange our stamps with each other.
About the learning, I think I’m a little smarter than him. Most of my subjects are better than his, so I often help him with his study.
根据下列问题,以My Hobbies为题写一篇60词左右的短文。
(1) 你过去有什么爱好?
(2) 你现在又有什么爱好?为什么?
(3) 不同的季节你又有什么不同的爱好呢?
used to do ...过去常常做某事
My Hobby
Different people have different hobbies. I used to read story books. It could give me lots of knowledge. I kept cats and dogs. I thought pets were very friendly and lovely. But now I like listening to music and chatting on the Internet, because music can relax me after the daily work and chatting can bring me happiness and friendship.
I have different hobbies in different seasons. In spring I like flying kites. In summer I go swimming. I often climb hills in the fall. I like making snowmen best in winter.
Winter holiday is coming. My parents and I are going to Beijing for holiday. There are three ways to travel to Beijing from Nanning,by plane,by train and by car. My father thinks the best way is by car because it's the most comfortable and freely. But it takes too long. My mother thinks Travelling by plane is the fastest but also the most expensive way. I think travelling by train is the most interesting way because I can look out of the window at the countryside. So we decided to travel by train in the end.
以“The life in the future”为题写一篇文章,按下列提示完成。
1. 想象一下未来生活会是什么样子;
2. 具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成。例如:料理家务、购物、看病,孩子们通过网络把课堂搬到家里,人们可以活到200岁等;
3. 为了未来的生活,我们现在应该努力学习,实现理想。
The life in the future
What do you think the life in the future will be like?
Every family will have computers and robots. Computers will help us know a lot all over the world. Robots will help us do most of the housework. They can help us do some cleaning, cooking or washing. We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out. Students can study at home on computers. People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care.
Our life will be better and better. For this, we should study hard. I believe we’ll be able to do this.
3.  举例进行说明。    
in danger 处于危险中
in the wild 在野外
What should we do to... 为了...我们应该做什么?
Animals in danger 
There are many animals in the world. They are our friends. 
I love animals. But most of them are in danger now, such as pandas. There are only 1,600 pandas in the wild. That's because there are more and more people in the world. So villages and farms are getting bigger and taking away the animals’home. Also some people kill animals for meat or for money. 
What should we do to help protect them? First, I think we should raise some money at school to protect them. Second, the government should set up more nature parks for animals to live in. Third, people must stop killing and plant more trees. If everyone loves animals, the world will be better. 
I'd love to, but ... 我很乐意,但是...
Hi Ann, 
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I'd love to, but I can' t  go. Next week I am really busy. On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends. On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt. On Wednesday, I have to help my mother. On Thursday, I need to study for my coming English exam. On Friday, I am going to Ningbo on vacation with my parents. Please call me after the vacation. I am very sorry, but I can' t go to your party. Thank you for asking me. I hope you will have a good time. 
你知道如何制作糖葫芦吗?请根据下面 的提示,写一篇 70 词左右的短文。 糖葫芦的制作方法:
1. choose good haws and clean them
2. string the haws with sticks
3. boil sugar
4. cover haws with boiled sugar
Sugar-coated haws are one of the most traditional foods in China. They are delicious and they are easy to make. First of all, choose good haws and clean them. Next, string the haws with clean sticks. Then take out some sugar and add some water to it. When the sugar is boiled, cover the haws with the boiled sugar.Finally, cool the haws down and you will get nice sugar-coated haws.
Mike 是一位中学生,他沉迷于电脑游戏中,并因此影响了学习。你作为Mike的好朋友,你打算怎么帮助他呢? 
give up 放弃
waste time 浪费时间
be interested in
have a great time 
Dear Mike, 
Thanks for your letter. I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Don't worry. Let me help you. Now, I'll give you some advice about how to do better in your study. Playing computer games is very interesting, but if you play too much, you'll waste lots of time, and you'll have little time to do your homework. I think if you give up playing computer games, you may be interested in other things, like study or sports. Then you'll be interested in many other subjects. So you should give up the computer games and work harder. I think if you keep working hard, you'll have a great time at school with your good friends. 
假如你是王凯,你的英国笔友 David 将来中国。请你根据下列提示,给他发一封邮件,告诉他有关中国的习俗。70 词左右。
1. 出行靠右。不同于英国的交通规则。
2. 第一次见面:问好、握手。
3. 就餐用筷子,而不是刀叉(knives and forks);饭后有喝茶的习惯;告别前,有礼貌地跟主人 (host) 说“再见”。
walk on the right side 靠右行
shake hands  握手
instead of 而不是
You must ... 你必须……
You should... 你应该……
It's a tradition to do... 做……是一个传统。
Dear David,
I'm glad that you will come to China. As we all know, different countries have different customs.Here are some ways of life in China.
First of all, you must walk on the right side when walking on the road. That's different in Britain. Second, when you meet someone for the first time, you should say “hello” and shake hands. Third, in China, people usually eat with chopsticks instead of knives and forks. By the way, it's a tradition to drink tea after the meal in China. In the end, before you leave, you should say goodbye to the host politely.
I hope these are helpful to you and I hope you'll have a good time in China.
Wang Kai
