404.Fatty Liver Disease (Liver Steatosis)(一)


Accumulation of lipid within cells is a pathologic process. Any type of lipid can accumulate within cells, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids. Fatty liver disease (steatosis) is characterized by accumulation of triglycerides within hepatocytes.

Normally, free fatty acids are taken up by the hepatocytes and then converted into cholesterol esters, triglycerides, ketone bodies, or phospholipids. Some of the lipids combine with apoproteins to form a specific type of lipoprotein called very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), which is then secreted into the blood. Liver steatosis can result from either excess delivery of free fatty acids into the liver (e.g.diabetes mellitus), increased formation of lipids within the liver (e.g.alcohol ingestion), hepatocytes disease (e.g.hepatitis), or decreased formation of VLDL by the liver (e.g.protein malnutrition).

Types of Liver Steatosis

-Diffuse fatty infiltration: the liver is usually enlarged with uniform decrease in density in the liver scan.

-Focal fatty infiltration: there is an area of the liver that shows fatty infiltration while the rest of the liver is normal. It usually occurs in the same areas that are supplied by the third inflow systemic veins (porta hepatic, around ligamentum teres, and adjacent to gallbladder). It is seen most commonly in the left lobe of the liver.

-Multiple fatty infiltrations: there are scattered low-density areas within a normal density liver. This type can be easily mistaken with metastases on noncontrast-enhanced liver CT scan.

-Focal sparring: there are areas of normal liver parenchyma surrounded by large areas of low-density diffuse fatty infiltration. This type also may simulate neoplasms on noncontrast-enhanced liver CT scan.


1. steatosis /ˌstiə'tosɪs/ /ˌstiəˈtosɪs/ n. 脂肪变性

2. cholesterol /kə'lestərɒl/ /kə'lɛstərɔl/ n. 胆固醇

3. triglycerides /traɪ'glɪsəraɪd/ /traɪ'ɡlɪsərɪd/ n. 甘油三酸酯

4. phospholipid /ˌfɒsfə(ʊ)'lɪpɪd/ /ˌfɑsfoˈlɪpɪd/ n. 磷脂

5. hepatocytes /'hepətəʊsaɪt/ /hɪ'pætəsaɪt/ n. 肝(实质)细胞

6. cholesterol ester 胆固醇酯




