时尚生死劫∣Life and Death Behind Fashion


Fashion, in everyone’s eyes, is of the most brilliant luster. As well, it is eye-catching. However, life and death hides behind fashion. It is horrible and miserable to look at the bloody and sanguinary scenes.


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In cold winter, many people or some certain pop stars tend to put on the furs. Wearing the fur can not only keep them warm but also make them display a posture of wealthy and graceful swaying. However, fur is also a kind of slaughter as well as a cruel act. When you are wearing the warm fur, how many animals they do lost their lives!


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As reported, for the sake of keeping the furs as the totally complete, one of the methods is taking the electrical shock. And another choice is using the poison gas which leaves the animals breathless. And the animals keep alive and sensible until the pain is killing them with complete decrustation. No wonder that whether the killers could hear the animals’ suffering howl. And how can they have a good conscience and fall asleep every night?


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If you were to view the animals being killed, you must be quite terrified by the bloody and horrific scenes. The animals are usually raised in the cage. Most of them cannot have a good environment and humane treatment. Even, many of them get sick before decrustation. But, their owners will take no notice or treatment for them. In their eyes, the cage animals always die and it is of no significance whether they are healthy or not.


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One seller says that he starts with the consumers buying a fur key ring, then maybe some time later they have more money to afford a fur bag. Eventually, they will try to buy a full coat. Do you know that you have been seduced into a willing trap?


Where there is business, there is murder. Since this winter, I hope everyone can take action and say no to the furs from your own start! If the businessmen find it unprofitable, those animals can avoid such miserable experience. No trade, no murder!


Knowledge Points



美 [ˌdikrʌs'teɪʃən] 英 [ˌdi:krʌs'teɪʃən]

n. 脱皮;脱痂;剥皮

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美 ['slɔtər] 英 ['slɔːtə(r)]

n. 屠宰;宰杀;杀戮

v. 屠宰;宰杀;杀戮


Young then and I still be able to afford such a slaughter, right?


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A bad beginning makes a bad ending.



★ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

★ 编校:刘洋,睡觉一定要睡到自然醒的夜猫子,有一点水灵的慢热型女子。爱翻译爱音乐爱有书!





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