
单原子催化剂(SAC)具有100%的原子利用率,非常具有竞争优势,既可以作为LiPS的锚定中心,又可以作为电催化中心。但是,这仍然存在巨大挑战,因为缺乏简便易行的合成策略,以及对构效关系的模糊认识。在这里,通过自模板以及自还原策略,将一种新型的钨(W)SAC固在氮掺杂石墨烯(W/NG)上,具有独特的W-O2N2-C配位构型,W载量高达8.6 wt%。W原子局域的特殊配位环境使得W/NG具有更高的LiPSs吸附能力和催化作用,该结论通过实验和理论研究相结合得以验证。令人印象深刻的是,配备W/NG改性隔膜的LSB大大改善了其电化学性能,在1000次循环中具有高的循环稳定性和超高速率能力。此外,它表明在8.3 mg cm-2的高硫负载下,实现了6.24 mAh cm-2的高面积容量,且具有较好的循环寿命。

Figure 1. a)W/NG制备过程的示意图。b)透射电镜图像。c,d)放大的HAADF-STEM图像 e)HAADF-STEM图像和相应的EDX元素分布图。

Figure 2. W/NG的高分辨率a)W 4f,b)N 1s和c)O 1s XPS光谱。W/NG和对照样品的W L3边缘处的d)XANES和e)k3加权FT-EXAFS光谱。f)W/NG在W L3边缘处的k3权重FT-EXAFS拟合曲线。

Figure 3.基于不同隔膜时,a)Li2S氧化过程的Tafel图,和b)LSB的CV曲线。c)Li2S6对称电池的CV曲线,和d)相应的电化学阻抗谱。e)电压为2.05V时的恒电位放电曲线和f)基于W/NG@PP的电极在2.35 V时的电荷分布。

Figure 4.基于PP,NG@PP和W/NG@PP组装的LSB在a)0.5 C时的循环性能。b,c)相应的充电/放电曲线和d)倍率性能。基于W/NG@PP的LSB在不同条件时的循环性能。

该研究工作由山东大学Shenglin Xiong和Baojuan Xi课题组于2021年发表在Angewandte Chemie International Edition期刊上。原文:Atomic Tungsten on Graphene with Unique Coordination Enabling Kinetically Boosted Lithium−Sulfur Batteries。

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国科学技术大学

Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science

Status : Employed

School/Department : 化学与化工学院

Date of Employment : 2011-07-13

Discipline:Inorganic Chemistry

Business Address : 山东大学中心校区化学与化工学院老晶体北楼102室

Paper Publications

  • [1]  谷雨. Boosting Selective Nitrogen Reduction via Geometric Coordination Engineering on Single-Tungsten-A.... ADVANCED MATERIALS Journal,  2021.

  • [2]  魏入朝. Layer-by-Layer Stacked (NH4)(2)V4O9 center dot 0.5H(2)O Nanosheet Assemblies with Intercalation P....  ACS Appl. Energy Mater. ,  3,  5343, 2020.

  • [3]  黄曼. TiO2-Based Heterostructures with Different Mechanism: A General Synergistic Effect toward High-Pe....  Small, 16,  2020.

  • [4]  石念香. Sandwich Structures Constructed by ZnSe subset of N-C@MoSe(2)Located in Graphene for Efficient So.... Advanced Energy Materials,  10,  2020.

  • [5]  魏入朝. Nanoribbon Superstructures of Graphene Nanocages for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution.  Nano Letters,  2020.

  • [6]  罗瑞. N-Doped graphitic ladder-structured carbon nanotubes as a superior sulfur host for lithium-sulfur....  Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,  7,  3969, 2020.

  • [7]  黄曼. Systematic Study of Alkali Cations Intercalated Titanium Dioxide Effect on Sodium and Lithium Sto....  Small,  16, 2020.

  • [8]  石念香. Hierarchical Octahedra Constructed by Cu2S/MoS2 subset of Carbon Framework with Enhanced Sodium S.... Small,  16,  2020.

  • [9]  陶苑. Controlled synthesis of copper reinforced nanoporous silicon microsphere with boosted electrochem.... JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  455,  2020.

  • [10]  石念香. Boosting Na(+)Storage Ability of Bimetallic Mo(x)W(1-x)Se(2)with Expanded Interlayers.  CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL ,  26,  9580, 2020.

[11]  谷雨. Sponge Assembled by Graphene Nanocages with Double Active Sites to Accelerates Alkaline HER Kinet.... Nano Letters,  2020.

  • [12]  郭康康. Hierarchical Microcables Constructed by CoP@C subset of Carbon Framework Intertwined with Carbon .... Advanced Energy Materials,  10,  2020.

  • [13]  安永灵. Recent advances and perspectives of 2D silicon: Synthesis and application for energy storage and ....  Energy Storage Materials,  32,  115, 2020.

  • [14]  田园. Recently advances and perspectives of anode-free rechargeable batteries.  Nano Energy,  78,  2020.

  • [15]  田园. Recent Advances and Perspectives of Zn-Metal Free "Rocking-Chair"-Type Zn-Ion Batteries.  Advanced Energy Materials,  2021.

  • [16]  王晓. Boosting Zinc-Ion Storage Capability by Effectively Suppressing Vanadium Dissolution Based on Rob....  纳米快报,  20,  2899, 2020.

  • [17]  Jinkui Feng. Stable and Safe Lithium Metal Batteries with Ni-Rich Cathodes Enabled by a High Efficiency Flame .... Journal of the Electrochemical Society,  2019.

  • [18]  Jinkui Feng. Nonflammable Fluorinated Carbonate Electrolyte with High Salt-to-Solvent Ratios Enables Stable Si.... ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2019.

  • [19]  石念香. One-Step Construction of MoS0.74Se1.26/N-Doped Carbon Flower-like Hierarchical Microspheres with .... ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  11,  44342, 2019.

  • [20]  王晓. Layered (NH4)(2)V6O16 center dot 1.5H(2)O nanobelts as a high-performance cathode for aqueous zin.... Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  7,  19130, 2019.

  • [21]  weiruchao , xibaojuan , fengzhenyu , Jinkui Feng  and xiong shenglin. N-doped carbon nanotubes formed in a wide range of temperature and ramping rate for fast sodium s....  Journal of Energy Chemistry ,  2020.

  • [22]  xibaojuan , fengzhenyu , Jinkui Feng , xiong shenglin  and 石念香. Strongly Coupled W2C Atomic Nanoclusters on N/P-Codoped Graphene for Kinetically Enhanced Sulfur ....  Advanced Materials Interfaces,  6,  2019.

  • [23]  xibaojuan , weiruchao , Jinkui Feng , xiong shenglin  and 郭康康. Hierarchical Microcables Constructed by CoP@C?Carbon Framework Intertwined with Carbon Nanotubes....  advanced energy materials,  2020.

  • [24]  xibaojuan , fengzhenyu , Jinkui Feng , xiong shenglin  and 田文芝. Sulfiphilic Few-Layered MoSe2 Nanoflakes Decorated rGO as a Highly Efficient Sulfur Host for Lith....  Advanced Energy Materials,  9,  2019.

  • [25]  Jinkui Feng  and xiong shenglin. A general method for constructing robust, flexible and freestanding MXene@metal anodes for high-p....  journal of materials chemistry A,  2019.

  • [26]  Jinkui Feng , xibaojuan  and xiong shenglin. Scalable and Physical Synthesis of 2D Silicon from Bulk Layered Alloy for Lithium-Ion Batteries a....  ACS nano,  13690, 2019.

  • [27]  Jinkui Feng , xibaojuan  and xiong shenglin. Porosity- and Graphitization-Controlled Fabrication of Nanoporous Silicon@Carbon for Lithium Stor....  Advanced functional materials,  1908721, 2019.

  • [28]  Jinkui Feng , xibaojuan  and xiong shenglin. Safe all-solid-state potassium batteries with three dimentional, flexible and binder-free metal s....  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  2019.

  • [29]  Jinkui Feng , xiong shenglin  and zhaoguoqun. Green and tunable fabrication of graphene-like N-doped carbon on a 3D metal substrate as a binder....  Journal of Materials Chemistry A,  2019.

  • [30]  xibaojuan , xiong shenglin , Jinkui Feng  and 安永灵. Commercial expanded graphite as a low cost, long-cycling life anode for potassium-ion batteries w....  JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,  378,  66, 2018.

  • 【个人简介】

  • 姓名:奚宝娟                              性别:女

  • 籍贯:山东省临沂市                     邮箱:baojuanxi@sdu.edu.cn

  • 电话:0531-88363018              手机:18963075380

  • 副教授,硕士生导师                    2017年未来青年学者

  • 【学习及工作经历】

  • 2010年4月-2015年2月,新加坡国立大学,博士后,从事无机功能材料的制备及其光催化性质的研究2004年9月-2009年6月,中国科学技术大学化学系,无机化学专业,获博士学位2000年9月-2004年7月,聊城大学化学系,获化学学士学位

  • 【主讲课程】

  • 【研究领域和兴趣】

  • (1)新型高性能储电器件如锂离子电池等的电极材料的探索:电极材料的设计,制备及其电化学性能的检测,研究结构-性能的内在联系。

  • (2)无机材料相关的催化性能的研究:开展对新型结构催化剂材料的研究,利用化学液相合成及晶体结构的本质习性等来对进行材料进行组装,获得结构新颖的功能材料,探讨材料的光催化,污水处理等应用。

  • 【主要论著】

  • 2018

  • [3] Qian Sun, Baojuan Xi*, Jiangying Li, Hongzhi Mao, Xiaojian Ma, Jianwen Liang, Jinkui Feng, and Shenglin Xiong, "Nitrogen-doped graphene-supported mixed transition-metal oxide porous particles to confine polysulfides for lithium-sulfur batteries", Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, on line, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201800595. (I.F.:  16.721)

  • [2] Jiahui Li, Caining Xue, Baojuan Xi*, Hongzhi Mao, Yitai Qian*, ans Shenglin Xiong, "Heteroatom dopings and hierarchical pores of graphene for synergistic improvement of lithium-sulfur battery perforamnce", Inorg. Chem. Front., 2018, 5, 1053–1061. (I.F.:  4.036)

  • [1] Jianmei Han, Baojuan Xi*, Zhenyu Feng, Xiaojian Ma, Junhao Zhang, Shenglin Xiong, and Yitai Qian*, "Sulfur-hydrazine hydrate-based chemical stnthesis of sulfur@graphene composite for lithium-sulfur batteries", Inorg. Chem. Front., 2018, 5, 785–792. (I.F.:  4.036)

  • 2017

  • [3] Yong Jiang, Yibo Guo, Wenjun Lu, Zhenyu Feng, Baojuan Xi*, Shuangshuang Kai, Junhao Zhang, Jinkui Feng, and Shenglin Xiong*, "Rational incorporated MoS2/SnS2 nanoparticles on graphene sheets for lithoum-ion and sodium-ion batteries", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 27697–27706. (I.F.:  7.504)

  • [2] Jing Bai, Baojuan Xi*, Zhenyu Feng, Junhao Zhang, Jinkui Feng, and Shenglin Xiong*, "General startegy for integrated SnO2/metal oxides as biactive lithium-ion battery anodes with ultralong cycling life", ACS  Omega,2017, 2, 6415–6432.

  • [1] Nianxiang Shi, Shenglin Xiong, Fangfang Wu, Jin Bai, Yanting Chu, Hongzi Mao, Jinkui Feng, Baojuan Xi*,"Hydrothermal synthesis ZnWO4 hierarchical heexangular microstars for enhanced lithium storage properties",Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 3, 734–740. (I.F.:  2.444)

  • 2016

  • [1] Yong Jiang, Yazhi Feng, Baojuan Xi*, Shuangshuang Kai, Kan Mi, Jinkui Feng, Junhao Zhang and Shenglin Xiong, “Ultrasmall SnS2 nanoparticles anchored onwell-distributed nitrogen-doped graphene sheets for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries", J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 10719–10726. (I.F.:  8.262)[2] Yanting Chu, Shenglin Xiong, Baoson

