战“疫”前沿 | 受新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响的索赔通知示范信函

根据99版FIDIC合同第19.2款要求,当发生不可抗力事件造成施工工期延长或经济损失,承包商应于不可抗力事件发生14天内,发送不可抗力通知函给业主、抄送工程师。昨天我们邀请到朱印奇老师为我们示范了不可抗力通知函的格式(格式参见《受新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响的不可抗力通知示范信函》);根据合同条款第20.1 款要求,承包商应于不可抗力事件发生28天内发出索赔通知。那么索赔通知有哪些要点?有什么格式要求?朱印奇老师心怀使命、情系行业,又连夜起草了索赔通知示范信函(中英文),供广大“走出去”企业参考使用,详见下文:

[Letter Head of the Company]
Ref.: Congo/ 2020/002       Date: 06th Feb 2020
To: The Engineer (假如建设一所医院,某国卫生部是业主Employer)
Attention:  Mr. **** (工程师)
the Engineer (Note: 假如采用99版FIDIC合同条件,发生不可抗力事件后, 承包商根据19.4款【Consequences of Force Majeure】28天内提出索赔通知,要致函给工程师,抄送业主(Employer)。)
Tel.:  +*** 4406 4409
Facsimile:  +*** 4406 4420
Email:  iloveyou@npp.com.qa
RE: Hospital Complex Project
Subject:Notice of Claim No.1 arising from Force Majeure due to the Global Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
因全球爆发新型冠状病毒(2019 nCoV)构成不可抗力引起的1号索赔通知
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please refer to our letter Ref. Congo/ 2020/001 dated 5th February 2020 regarding the notice of Force Majeure arising from the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) being currently undergone. For the time being the insurer is underway to settle the loss resulted from the aforesaid event and we will still follow up closely to minimize the adverse impact on the project. (Note: epidemics is usually to be covered by the Contractor’s All Risk Policy pursuant to the insurance practice, which is to be identified in each individual project.). We trust you that such Unforeseeable outbreak event caused us losses and/or damages to the Goods and then the Works, and its completion is or will be delayed to some extent before the epidemic could be successfully curbed.
请参阅我方于2020年2月5日发出的信函(编号:刚果(金)/2020/001),内容是关于新型冠状病毒(2019 nCoV)爆发引起的不可抗力的通知, 目前保险公司正在着手解决事件造成的损失,我们也将密切跟进,尽量减少对项目的不利影响。(注:根据保险惯例,由流行疫病导致的损失通常由承包商的工程一切险保单承保,请结合具体的每个单独项目确定是否已经保险)。我们相信贵方能够理解,此类不可预见的突发事件给我方造成了货物损失和/或损坏,工程的竣工工期或将被推迟到能够成功地控制疫情之前的某个程度。
According to Sub-Clause19.4 “If the Contractor is prevented from performing any of his obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure of which notice has been given under Sub-Clause 19.2 [Notice of Force Majeure], and suffers delay and/or incurs Cost by reason of such Force Majeure, the Contractor shall be entitled (subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims]) to: 
(a)an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]…” we hereby notify you of the claim No.1 arising from such Force Majeure as per Sub-Clause20.1 to extend the Time for Completion in accordance with Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion] for your concern.
We assure you to substantiate the claim in due course and time under the Contract.
Yours faithfully,
Zhu Yinqi 
Contractor’s Representative ***Company
Enclosures: relevant materials as necessary for proof
CC: the Employer(索赔通知写给工程师,抄送业主)
[Note] 如果根据19.4款不可抗力索赔,假如疫情属于社会卫生事件(Man-made Event), 要想索赔费用Cost, 则必须事件发生在工程所在国(Country). 假如疫情属于自然灾害,根据19.4,可以给工期,不能给费用,而一般自然灾害都可以通过工程一切险得到补偿。所以疫情不管是社会卫生事件,还是自然灾害事件,都只能给时间,而不能给费用补偿。

