
摘要:The prevalence of myopia has increased worldwide over the last 50 years. Its incidence in the United States and Europe is now almost twice that 50 years ago, and it is even more prevalent in East Asia. Spectacles and contact lenses remain the most common means of vision correction, but the permanent correction of refractive errors, by refractive surgery, has emerged as an attractive alternative. However, such surgery is an invasive procedure that may compromise corneal structure, and post-surgical complications have been reported. We propose a novel, non-invasive approach to permanent vision correction based on a different mode of laser–cornea interaction. Our approach induces the formation of a low-density plasma that produces reactive oxygen species, which react with the surrounding proteins, forming crosslinks and triggering spatially resolved changes in mechanical properties. We show that the proposed method changes the refractive power of the eye, and confirm its safety and stability. 导读来源:京师物理 在过去的50年里,全世界的近视患病率有所增加。它在美国和欧洲的发病率现在几乎是50年前的两倍,而在东亚则更为普遍。眼镜和隐形眼镜仍然是最常见的视力矫正手段,但通过屈光手术,对屈光不正的永久矫正已成为一种有吸引力的替代方案。然而,这种手术是一种可能损害角膜结构的侵入性手术,并且已经报道了手术后并发症。本文作者基于不同的激光-角膜相互作用模式,提出了一种新颖的非侵入性永久性视力矫正方法。该方法诱导低密度等离子体的形成,从而产生活性氧簇,其与周围蛋白质反应,形成交联并引发空间分辨的机械性质变化。文章展示了,该方法改变了眼的屈光力,并证实了其安全性和稳定性。 本文经授权转载自公众号“京师物理”。

