还在纠结是用 who 还是 whom 吗?分辨这两个词之间的区别比看上去容易,关键是要知道它们在句中起什么作用。其实 whom 中多出来的字母“m”可以成为彻底弄明白 who 与 whom 之间区别的法宝。一、who 和 whom 的区别 Who 和 whom 都是关系代词,它们的功能是把一个名词或另一个代词与一个短语或从句联系起来。它们在疑问句中也可以充当疑问代词。然而,即使它们都是同一种代词,它们也不能互换。Who 是主格代词,通常只能用作一个句子的主语,也就是句子中执行动作的人,而 whom 是宾格代词,只用作一个句子的宾语,也就是动作的接受者,例如:who:Who handed it to her?是谁交给她的?His friend, who lives in Austin, came to visit.他住在奥斯汀的朋友来看他。I wasn’t the one who made him feel unwelcome.不是我让他觉得不受欢迎。People who take time to be kind are rewarded for their good deeds.花时间做善事的人会因他们的善行而得到回报。whom:
He is the one whom I love.
Whom shall I call?我该给谁打电话?Those flowers came from whom?那些花是谁送的?He is the teacher whom we adore.他是我们崇拜的老师。
二、识别技巧1. who 和 whom 的区别其实就是主格代词(he,she 等)与宾格代词(him,her 等)的区别,当句子缺的是类似 he 或 she 等主语时用 who,缺的是类似 him 或 she 等宾语时用 whom,也就是试着用它们去替代 who 或 whom 后变陈述句,如果句子是正确的,就用对了,例如: Who is the best in class?谁是班上最好的?解析:当用 he 替代 who 还原成陈述句时,变成 he is the best in class,很明显这是对的。This is for whom?这是给谁的?解析:当用 him 替代 whom 还原成陈述句时,变成 this is for him,很明显这也是对的。2. whom 和 him 都以字母“m”结尾,所以如果可以用 him 来回答对应的提问,那么 whom 就用对了,如果不行,那么就要考虑用 who 了,例如: 谁吃了最后一块饼干?Who ate the last cookie?He ate the last cookie. (正确)Him ate the last cookie. (错误)你为谁烤的饼干?For whom did you bake these cookies?I baked these cookies for him. (正确)I baked these cookies for he. (错误)