俄罗斯年轻女画家 Anna Razumovskaya 绘画作品欣赏


安娜 · 拉祖莫夫斯卡娅,俄国女画家。1991年毕业于俄罗斯国立艺术大学(高级艺术家)。一九九二年至一九九五年,他先后在德国、比利时和荷兰学习绘画,并在纽约、巴黎、多伦多、阿姆斯特丹、安特卫普和柏林举办个人画展。美国,加拿大,奥地利,荷兰,法国和澳大利亚的私人收藏家都有 anna。

安娜的作品给人的印象是,艺术家的绘画只能用“浪漫”来形容。明亮的色彩和宁静的色调相互作用,总是为观众创造一个难忘的视觉体验。安娜擅长绘画: 水彩,油画,丙烯画等等。“如果一个艺术家在思考他在做什么,”她谈到自己的经历时说,



快速,简单,明亮: 这是我画画的方式,我也是这样生活的。”艺术是我的生命,我对自己的反思... ”。

Anna razumovskaya is a Russian female painter. Graduated from the Russian National University of Art (senior artist) in 1991. From 1992 to 1995, he studied painting in Germany,

Belgium and the Netherlands, and held personal exhibitions in New York, Paris, Toronto, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Berlin. Anna's works are available to private collectors in the United States, Canada, Austria, the Netherlands, France and Australia.

Anna's works always make people feel that the artist's painting can only be described by the word 'romanticism'. Bright colors and quiet colors interact with each other, always creating an unforgettable visual experience for the audience. Anna is good at painting:




watercolor, oil painting, acrylic painting, etc. When she introduced her painting experience, she said that 'if an artist thinks something while painting and conceives his own creative ideas, it will be difficult for him to give a reasonable and clear answer.

Because this process cannot be analyzed. It's like a miracle happening. You are just drawings, paints and pens. That's all. You can't find any clear ideas, no clear itinerary and details. Only God knows how it all happened. Happiness, passion, joy, here is the only characteristic of this process. Fast, easy, bright: This is the way I paint, I live the same way. Art is my life, and Reflection on my own reflection... '.

