众所周知,不管中文还是英文写作,不管风格华丽还是朴实,好文字都是要言不烦,简洁明了的。初写作者或是无意之间,或有意炫耀,往往平添周折,冗余繁琐,反倒辞不达意。事实上,写作中有一些技巧,可以让你避免最基本的误区和陷阱。本期将引介一些常见的应当予以避免的冗余词句:有些人可能会认为花里胡哨的词汇能让你的文章更好看,但实际上更重要的是词语的质量,而不是数量。字数、词汇过多会使写作不清晰,没有耐心的读者会很快放弃。相比之下,更紧凑简洁的写作会使人读完留下更清晰、更难忘的印象。下面分成三类介绍哪些词汇是多余从而可以被删掉或者替代的。# 不必要的介词 #有些介词是多余的,因为它们被包含在动词的定义中。写作水平的提高与我们能从其中剔除的不应该存在的词汇数量成正比。比如,"free up "中的 "Up "就不应该出现。下面举一些可以被删掉的介词例子:原词替代beat outbeatstart offstartmatch upmatchhead upheadfinish upfinishenter intoenterexit out ofexitdepart fromdepartpermeate throughpermeateescape fromescapeflee fromfleeorbit aroundorbitclean upcleanshout outshoutjump upjumpsit downsit# 多余的短语 #不仅仅介词可被消除,还有一些常见的短语是可以被简化而不影响意思的,如:原词替代as perpershare the sameshare (or have the same)both agreeagreelaptop computerlaptopcheaper pricecheaper (or lower price)on sale for a discounted rateon sale (or discounted)debut of a new productproduct debutcollide into each othercollidecrammed close togethercrammedinsist adamantlyinsisttragically sadtragictall skyscraperskyscraperurban citycitya little bita bit (or a little)small bitsbitshotter temperaturehotter (or higher temperature)colder temperaturecolder (or lower temperature)once used to dodid (or used to)used to at one timeused toused to in the pastused todeceptive lieliedark, black skyblack skyscrutinize very carefullyscrutinizewander around aimlesslywander, roam# 繁琐的词汇 #冗长的句子会使用许多无用的词,使文章显得杂乱无章。好的写作简单而直接,它使用尽可能简短的词句来表达同样的意思。那么,我们怎么知道一段话是否足够简洁呢?——可以试着从每个句子中删除单词。一个词是必要的,意味着它:对构成一句话的语法不可或缺;或它构成一个关键的想法、事实、感觉或描述成分。如果你能在保持句子意思不变的情况下删除一些词汇,那这个句子就是繁琐的:For all intents and purposes, the reason Mr. Henderson arrived late for work was due to the fact that he stopped at very many traffic lights that were red in colour.(31 words)Mr. Henderson arrived late for work because he stopped at many red lights. (13 words)繁琐冗长的词汇类型众多,下面举出五个最常见的例子并给出修改意见:1. 消除多余的内容Eliminate redundancyredundantBettereach separate incidenteach incidentmany different waysmany waysdash quicklydashas to whetherwhethertall skyscrapertallblue in colourbluefree giftgiftadvance noticenoticehe is a man who ishe isappear to beappearcompletely finishedfinishedthe reason . . . is becausebecause2. 删除空洞的单词和短语Delete empty words and phrasesgenerallytend toreallyapparentlyin my opinionverybasicallyI think thatvariousessentiallyI feelin some waysvirtuallyI believefor all intents and purposes3. 选择最简洁省力的表达方式Avoid expressions that can be more clearly said in another wayoutlawrehabilitatedat this point in timeat this time/nowin the neighbourhood ofof abouthad an effect uponinfluenceddue to the fact thatbecausein order totofor the purpose offorit is important thatmustuntil such time asuntilat the same time aswhilewith the possible exception ofexcept4. 删除以下短语和变体:there is . . . that;it is . . . thatDelete the following phrases and variationsThere are many students who like reading.Many students like reading.It is the desk that is uncomfortable.The desk is uncomfortable.5. 避免使用被动语态:被动语态往往比主动语态使用更多的词。Avoid using the passive voice6. 用不需要介词的动词代替有介词的动词。当你可以写 "discover"时,千万不要写 "find out"。Substitute verbs with prepositions with verbs not needing prepositions记住,重中之重在于,当一个较短的词就可以完成表达时,要克制住使用更长、更复杂表达方式的冲动。以下有一些需要避免的词组,以及更简洁的替代词:Replace within terms ofregarding (or recast the sentence)when it comes toas far as [X] is concernedat the present timenow, currentlyas of this writingat the time of publicationat the current timeat this point in timehas the ability tocanis able tois capable ofhas the capability toin the near futuresoon (or, better yet, be more specific about when)not too long from nowthe fact thatDelete “the fact”” and/or recast the sentencedespite the fact thatalthough, even thoughthe reason why is thatbecausebe aware of the fact thatnote, understandthe fact that it doesn’t haveits lack of, its omission of (or recast the sentence)in light of the fact thatconsideringless than greatsubpar, mediocre, OKless than spectacularnot very goodcomes with it right out of the boxincludes, comes with, is preinstalled, is preloadedcomes equipped withit’s important to note thatNotablyin the direction oftowardmake a choicechoose, decidethe thing is that(Nothing; delete these words)the truth is that