雅思口语 | 初见某人的时刻 A time when you met someone for the first time

1 have a butterfly in my stomach 很紧张
When I got a glimpse of her side face, I had a butterfly in my stomach. 我瞥见她侧脸的时候,内心真的超级紧张。
2 have a crush on 暗恋
I had had a crush on her actually, so I was kind of under great pressure. 我之前就暗恋这个女生,所以自己有点压力。
3 can't take my eyes off sb. 一直盯着看
I just couldn't take my eyes off her, especially her watery eyes. 我就一直盯着她看,尤其是她那水汪汪的眼睛。
4 seem to have lost one's thread 思路乱了
At the sight of her, I seemed to have lost my thread. 一看到她,我思路似乎都乱了。
5 blush 脸红
I blushed when we had an eye contact. 当我们眼睛对视的时候,我脸红了。
6 strike up a conversation 开始聊天
After grabbing a seat, we stroke up a conversation, which was kind of embarrassing , since we didn't know what to say. 在坐下之后我们开始聊天,还挺尴尬的,
7 gorgeous 超美的adj.
You know what, she's gorgeous and I was impressed by her fair skin, watery eyes as well as her dimple-dotted face. 你造吗?她太美了,我对她白皙的皮肤,水汪汪的眼睛还有点缀着酒窝的脸印象特别深刻。