Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows《A strange Thing to say



Everyday music






名:《A strange Thing to say 》

歌者Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows

词曲Anna-varney Cantodea

流派 Darkwave



I know it must seem to you like the strangest thing to say

But in the winter of his presence I've always felt warm and safe

I always knew no skirt no suit would ever bother me

As long as he is present, as long as this man stayed close to me

I do like his company, I enjoy it, in fact

He's the only human friend that I ever had

Which is quite ironic, 'cause he's mostly occupied

By the methods that exist to blow out people's lights ...

I wouldn't be surprised at all

If someday I found out

That he had thoroughly checked on my life

And on my background

And confidently reconfirmed

By the things he didn't find

He then granted me access to a small part

Of his secret life ...

I know it must seem to you

Like the strangest thing to say

But in the winter of his presence

I've always felt warm and safe ...

I never had to worry though, it can't give me the chills

Because, you see, men are the only species that he kills

Oh, that's why I love his company, quite enjoy it, in fact

He is the only human friend that I ever had

I rarely ponder on him

In the wayward hours of the day

But am surprised at my own delight

I find in seeing him again

White shirt, black tie, exquisite twine

I'm brewing tea, he's having wine

It's quite seductive, if it's right

The perfect way to spend the night ...

I do like his company, I enjoy it, in fact

He's the only human friend that I ever had

Which is quite ironic, 'cause he's mostly occupied

By the methods that exist to blow out people's lights ...

I never had to worry though, it can't give me the chills

Because, you see, men are the only species that he kills

Oh, that's why I love his company, quite enjoy it, in fact

He is the only human friend that I ever had

Each act performed is like a ballet, a prayer, precise and acute

Oh, how I do admire such perfect business-like attitude

Both in style and execution, virtuously immaculate ...-

And flawlessly equated to the savage fee that he has set

Built just like the ideal of an athlete, my champion of sorts

His price is one that only broken hearts are willing to afford

Death is always quite disastrous, messy, common and obscene

But in the golden hour when he leaves all is stainless, all is clean ...

If I, one day, might also decide to need

This special kind of service that this man provides

Oh, I will pray that my fate kindly agrees to the plot

And sends someone like this man to come and finish the job

Because I just cannot bear the foul and blasphemous thought

That involves getting slain by some filthy amateur's hands

I know it must seem to you like the strangest thing to say

But in the winter of his presence I always felt warm and safe

I know that you must surely think me mad

But he's the most human friend that I ever had ...



今天分享一首来自Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows(永恒沉睡&影子剧团)的《A strange Thing to say 》。

小E今天选择的歌曲是哥特感觉的,偏阴暗,视频谨慎观看。如有不适请听只听音乐,音乐还是很好听的。这首歌来自他们2010年专辑《A Triptychon Of Ghosts Part One - A Strange Thing 2 Say》。对于音乐小E不讲太多,大家自己感受吧。不过他们的编曲和整体音乐的感觉都很好,看看他们团队。

Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows是1989年成立于德国的一只暗波乐队,他们是为数不多的黑暗系组织。用音乐、诗歌和视觉外观建立了三位一体的暗黑系作品。他们以高度个人化的方式表达痛苦、孤独、抑郁、象征性的自杀和寻找神圣感。这些想法和部分主要来自他们的主角跨性别者安娜-瓦尔尼·坎托迪亚(Anna-Varney Cantodea)。







