芜湖市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (52)

26.31 C- If used, is there evidence for the control and proper use of semi- automatic crimping equipment, in accordance with the procedure?YES/NO

26.32 C- If used, is there evidence for the control and proper use of manual crimping tools, in accordance with the procedure?YES/NO/NA

26.33 C- Are only crimping tools with full cycle ratchets being used in production?YES/NO

26.34 C- Are seals in place to prevent unauthorized adjustment of ratchets?YES/NO/NA

Audit Note: This refers to calibrated tools with seals applied by the calibration laboratory facility.

26.35 C- Is the procedure preventing the crimping of solid wire being followed?YES/NO

26.36 C- Do personnel know how to determine Circular Mil Area (CMA)? YES/NO/NA

26.37 C- Do personnel know how to determine Circular Mil Area (CMA)?YES/NO

26.38 C- If CMA buildup is required, for stamped and formed closed barrel terminals, is the filler visible in the brush inspection area and in the entry bellmouth?YES/NO/NA

26.39 C- If required, is the procedure for control of multiple wire insertion into a single terminal being followed?YES/NO/NA

26.40 C- If required, does the total CMA of multiple wires in one terminal comply with the CMA range for the terminal?YES/NO/NA

26.41 C- Unless otherwise specified by Customer, are crimped connections prevented from being soldered, in accordance with procedures?YES/NO/NA

26.42 C- If not on the drawing / parts list, is there evidence of what filler is used?YES/NO/NA

26.43 C- Is there evidence that cleanliness requirements for crimped connections are being followed?YES/NO

26.44 C- Are tinned wires prevented from being crimped?YES/NO

26.45 C- Are conductor strands prevented from being cut or modified in any manner to fit a termination?YES/NO

26.46C- Is there evidence of operator training, in accordance with procedures, IPC/WHMA-A-620, specific customer requirements, technical knowledge, including periodic recertification?YES/NO

