
主题公园中,黑暗乘骑项目用详细的故事情节和沉浸式的环境表现其主题。室内景点通常以一辆乘坐车辆为特色,沿着蛇形轨道行驶,通过一系列由动画形象构成的叙述场景。With detailed storytelling and immersive environments, dark rides put the theme in theme parks.The indoor attractions typically feature a ride vehicle that follows a serpentine track through a series of narrated scenes populated by animatronic figures.

黑暗游乐设施的历史可以追溯到19世纪晚期的爱情水上游乐设施隧道和风景如画的铁路过山车,在景点黑暗的部分增加了场景,以增强体验。Dark rides trace their history to tunnel of love water rides and scenic railway roller coasters from the late 19th century that added scenes in darkened portions of the attractions to enhance the experience.

根据儒勒·凡尔纳的故事,月球之旅被公认为是世界上第一次电力驱动的黑暗之旅。这辆车于1901年在纽约州北部举行的泛美博览会上首次亮相,之后又搬到了科尼岛。A Trip to the Moon, based on a Jules Verne story, is generally credited as the world's first electrically powered dark ride. The ride debuted in 1901 at the Pan-American Exposition in upstate New York before relocating to Coney Island.

今天,最先进的黑暗技术包括基于运动的车辆,复杂的特殊效果,激光枪游戏和圆顶视频屏幕。Today, the most technologically sophisticated dark rides include motion-based vehicles, elaborate special effects, laser gun gameplay and domed video screens.

黑暗乘骑项目在迪斯尼和环球影城的存在时间很长,世界各地大小的主题公园都有这个游乐设施。Long the domain of Disney and Universal Studios, the rides can be found at theme parks big and small around the world.

出于我们的目的,我们将不包括水上游乐设施和主题或室内过山车。For our purposes, we will be excluding water rides and themed or indoor coasters.

让我们仔细看看世界各地主题公园的25个最佳黑暗游乐设施:Let's take a closer look at the 25 best dark rides at theme parks around the world:

1.哈利波特与禁地之旅Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

使用独特的机械手骑乘系统,哈利波特和《禁地之旅》带游客参观霍格沃茨城堡和周围的场地,在那里他们会遇到巨大的柳树、摄魂怪和魁地奇比赛。Using a unique robotic arm ride system, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey takes visitors on a tour of Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding grounds, where they encounter the Whomping Willow, Dementors and a Quidditch match.

黑暗之旅的版本可以在佛罗里达和日本的环球公园找到,并将于2016年在好莱坞环球影城首次亮相。Versions of the dark ride can be found at Universal parks in Florida and Japan and will debut in 2016 at Universal Studios Hollywood.

2.印第安琼斯探险Indiana Jones Adventure

印第安纳琼斯黑暗游乐设施以运动模拟器为基础的游乐平台为主题,看起来像军队运输车辆。The Indiana Jones dark rides feature motion simulator-based ride platforms themed to look like military troop transport vehicles.

在经过命运之室后,骑手们在1935年穿越印度三角洲的一座寺庙时,会遇到一个熔岩坑、一座摇摇欲坠的索桥、地下墓穴,当然还有蛇。After passing through the Chamber of Destiny, riders encounter a lava pit, a rickety rope bridge, catacombs and, of course, snakes while traveling through a temple set in the Lost Delta of India in 1935.

在迪斯尼乐园和东京迪斯尼海也可以找到类似的版本。Similar versions of the ride can be found at Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

3.雷米的奇遇Ratatouille: Remy's Totally Zany Adventure

巴黎迪士尼乐园度假区耗资1.5亿美元的拉塔图维尔景点,采用无轨车辆,具有三维投影和特殊效果。The $150 million Ratatouille attraction at the Disneyland Paris resort features trackless ride vehicles with 3-D projections and special effects.

当游客们从2007年电影《啮齿动物》的主角的角度探索巴黎时,他们缩小到一只老鼠的大小,在巨大的食物道具和高耸的厨房用具之间穿梭。在许多场景中,骑手可以看到投影在巨大圆顶屏幕上的三维图像。Shrunk to the size of a rat, visitors navigate around giant food props and towering kitchen utensils as they explore Paris from the point of view of the 2007 film's rodent protagonist. In a number of scenes, riders see 3-D imagery projected on giant domed screens.

4. 变形金刚:乘坐3-DTransformers: The Ride 3-D

变形金刚运动模拟器“黑暗之旅”经过14个电影屏幕,由以变相电影系列中的机器人为主题的布景和道具隔开。The Transformers motion-simulator dark ride navigates past 14 movie screens separated by sets and props themed to the robots-in-disguise film franchise.

从技术的角度来看,变形金刚之旅是一个最先进的奇迹,它有着倾斜和旋转的骑乘车辆,电梯将骑乘者从一个景点的一个层面提升到另一个层面,以及高达60英尺的高耸弧形电影屏幕。From a technological standpoint, the Transformers ride is a state-of-the-art marvel with ride vehicles that pitch and spin, elevator lifts that transport riders from one level of the attraction to another and towering curved movie screens that reach a height of 60 feet.

在加利福尼亚、佛罗里达和新加坡的环球影城主题公园可以找到这一游乐设施的版本。Versions of the ride can be found at Universal Studios theme parks in California, Florida and Singapore.

5.小熊维尼打猎Pooh's Hunny Hunt

小熊维尼在东京迪斯尼乐园的猎杀活动中,有着无轨的骑乘车辆,它们似乎在不同的场景中随机漫游。Pooh's Hunny Hunt at Tokyo Disneyland features trackless ride vehicles that seem to randomly roam from scene to scene.

形状像蜜罐,车辆在整个景点同步动作,有时与其他罐子“跳舞”,甚至与跳跳虎一起跳跃。Shaped like honey pots, the vehicles move in a synchronized choreography throughout the attraction at times "dancing" with other pots and even bouncing along with Tigger.

6.神秘庄园Mystic Manor

神秘庄园作为香港迪斯尼乐园的鬼魂幽灵大厦,向经典的迪士尼景点印第安娜琼斯冒险,迷人的TIKI房间和冒险者俱乐部包括在整个旅程。Mystic Manor serves as Hong Kong Disneyland's ghost-less Haunted Mansion, with tributes to the classic Disney attractions Indiana Jones Adventure, Enchanted Tiki Room and Adventurer's Club included throughout the ride.

使用无轨骑乘系统,吸引骑手通过亨利·莫西勋爵的豪宅,在那里,整个房子里的魔法物品都会变得栩栩如生。Using a trackless ride system, the attraction takes riders through Lord Henry Mystic's mansion, where enchanted objects throughout the house come to life.

7. 蜘蛛侠奇遇Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man

蜘蛛侠运动模拟器的惊人冒险旅程通过13个动画3-D场景,在那里,甩网者遇到了几个超级恶棍。The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man motion-simulator ride travels through 13 animated 3-D scenes, where the web-slinger encounters several supervillains.

作为当今最先进的黑暗游乐设施的先驱者,佛罗里达和日本环球公园的蜘蛛侠景点近年来经历了重大的数字升级。A forebear of the today's cutting-edge dark rides, the Spider-Man attractions at Universal parks in Florida and Japan underwent significant digital upgrades in recent years.

8.幽灵公馆 Haunted Mansion

在数个迪斯尼公园里发现的鬼屋黑暗之旅有伸展的房间、吱吱作响的地窖门、摇晃的墓碑以及999个鬼魂。The Haunted Mansion dark ride found at several Disney parks features stretching rooms, creaking crypt doors and quaking tombstones as well as 999 ghosts.

著名的哈茨堡幽灵在消失了40多年后,最近又回到了1969年经典的迪斯尼乐园黑暗之旅。The famed Hatbox Ghost recently returned to the classic 1969 Disneyland dark ride after disappearing for more than four decades.


在荷兰的EFTELING主题公园里,梦幻飞行黑暗之旅将带着游客们在梦幻世界中穿梭于仙女、巨魔和其他神话生物之间。The Dreamflight dark ride at the Efteling theme park in the Netherlands takes visitors on a flight through the dream worlds of fairies, trolls and other mythical creatures.

坐在悬挂在天花板上的车辆上的骑手穿过装饰着200多万朵人工花草的奢华场景。Riders sitting in vehicles suspended from the ceiling pass through lavish scenes decorated with more than 2 million artificial flowers and plants.

10.正义联盟:大都市之战Justice League: Battle For Metropolis

正义联盟(JusticeLeague):大都会3-D黑暗骑士(BattleforMetropolis3-D Dark Rides)以DC漫画超级英雄的犯罪战斗团队为主题,以移动平台车辆、动画人物和激光枪游戏为特色。Themed to the crime-fighting team of DC Comics superheroes, the Justice League: Battle For Metropolis 3-D dark rides feature motion-platform vehicles, animatronic figures and laser-gun gameplay.

由佛罗里达州的萨利公司与多个合作伙伴合作设计,正义联盟游乐设施可以在多个六旗公园找到,还有两个计划在2016年。Designed by Florida-based Sally Corp. in collaboration with a number of partners, the Justice League rides can be found at multiple Six Flags parks with two more planned for 2016.

11. 亚特兰蒂斯探险Atlantis Adventure

亚特兰蒂斯探险是一次无水的水下旅行,途经德国欧罗巴公园神秘的失落的亚特兰蒂斯城。Atlantis Adventure is a waterless underwater journey through the mythical lost city of Atlantis at Germany's Europa Park.

Riders shoot laser guns at puffer fish, eels, lobsters, crabs and sharks swimming amid ancient ruins and sunken ships.骑手们用激光枪射击在古遗址和沉船中游动的河豚鱼、鳗鱼、龙虾、螃蟹和鲨鱼。

12.米诺图尔迷宫Labyrinth of Minotaur

西班牙的Terra Mitica公园的Minotour迷宫重现了雅典的创始人英雄忒修斯的古老传说,在这个传说中,一个半人半牛的Minotour牺牲了克里特最美丽的少女。The Labyrinth of Minotaur at Spain's Terra Mitica theme park retells the ancient legend of Theseus, the mythical founder-hero of Athens, in which a half man-half bull Minotaur sacrifices Crete's most beautiful maidens.

带着十字弓的骑手们在一系列的密室中精力充沛地旅行,遇到了两头土匪、三头警犬、七头九头蛇和一条40英尺高的喷火龙。Traveling in chariots through a series of chambers, riders armed with crossbows encounter two-headed bandits, three-headed guard dogs, seven-headed hydras and a 40-foot-tall fire-breathing dragon.

13.图坦卡蒙的挑战Challenge of Tutankhamon

在比利时瓦利比,图坦卡蒙的挑战远比你在佛罗里达州的萨利公司典型的互动拍摄黑暗之旅更可怕,主题也更好。The Challenge of Tutankhamon at Walibi Belgium is far scarier and better themed than your typical interactive shoot-em-up dark ride from Florida-based Sally Corp.

骑手们手持脚踝形状的激光枪,在穿越古埃及图坦卡蒙国王墓时,向动物怪物、木乃伊和盗墓者开枪。Armed with ankh-shaped laser guns, riders shoot at animatronic monsters, mummies and grave looters as they travel through the ancient Egyptian tomb of King Tut.

14. 黑暗的诅咒Curse of Darkastle

弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡布希花园的“黑暗之城”以一辆运动模拟器为特色,它穿过一座闹鬼的哥特式大厦。显示元素包括三维视频屏幕、实用场景和特殊效果,如雾、风、雾和闪电。The Curse of Darkastle at Busch Gardens Williamsburg in Virginia features a motion-simulator vehicle that travels through a haunted Gothic mansion. Show elements include 3-D video screens, practical sets and special effects like fog, wind, mist and lightning.

在质量和细节上可以与迪斯尼或环球黑暗之旅相媲美,达克斯特尔的惊悚原始故事包括一个疯狂的国王,鬼魂和狼人的出现。Comparable in quality and detail to Disney or Universal dark rides, Darkastle's frightening original story includes appearances by a mad king, ghosts and werewolves.

15. 铁礁之旅Voyage to the Iron Reef

在诺特的浆果农场,一次独一无二的“铁礁互动黑暗之旅”将游客带到一场充满蒸汽朋克灵感的海洋生物的水下战斗中,这些海洋生物决心摧毁布埃纳公园主题公园。The one-of-a-kind Voyage to the Iron Reef interactive dark ride at Knott's Berry Farm drops visitors into the middle of an underwater battle brimming with steampunk-inspired sea creatures determined to destroy the Buena Park theme park.

新的3-D拍摄-新兴的吸引力接管了一个长期被忽视的位置,在公园的木板路部分,曾经是两个心爱的黑暗游乐设施:诺特熊的故事和恐龙王国。The new 3-D shoot-'em-up attraction took over a long-neglected location in the Boardwalk section of the park that was once home to two beloved dark rides: Knott's Bear-y Tales and Kingdom of the Dinosaurs.

16. 幻想五Fantasyland Five

迪斯尼乐园是世界上唯一一个拥有完整的20世纪50年代幻想和黑暗游乐设施的迪斯尼公园:彼得潘的飞行,白雪公主的惊险冒险,皮诺曹的大胆旅程,蟾蜍先生的野生游乐设施和爱丽丝梦游仙境。Disneyland is the only Disney park in the world with a complete collection of the 1950s Fantasyland dark rides: Peter Pan's Flight, Snow White's Scary Adventures, Pinocchio's Daring Journey, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Alice in Wonderland.

Peter Pan's Flight

Snow White's Scary Adventures

Pinocchio's Daring Journey,

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Alice in Wonderland

这五部梦幻般的经典作品共同代表了主题公园行业中最经典的复古黑暗游乐设施。Together the five Fantasyland classics represent the finest collection of vintage dark rides in the theme park industry.

17. 狂欢节Carnival Festival

荷兰埃夫特林的嘉年华节明显受到迪斯尼的《It's a Small World》的影响,从环球旅行主题到玩偶般的动画,再到朗朗上口的音乐。Carnival Festival at Efteling in the Netherlands is clearly influenced by Disney's It's a Small World, from the globe-trotting theme to the doll-like animatronics to the catchy music.

但这种创造性的骑乘方式仍然有其独特的魅力和特质,包括两座的骑乘车辆而不是船。But the creative ride still has its own charms and unique qualities -- including two-seat ride vehicles rather than boats.

18. Roger Rabbit的汽车旋转木马Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

Roger Rabbit的车在迪斯尼乐园和东京迪斯尼乐园旋转,结合了经典的黑暗骑行和旋转茶杯骑行,创造了混合骑行体验。Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland combines a classic dark ride with a spinning tea cup ride to create a hybrid ride experience.

车手可以转动方向盘,让他们的玩具城出租车旋转,同时通过一个gag仓库倾斜从“谁框架罗杰兔”电影的场景。Riders can turn the steering wheel to make their Toontown taxi cab spin while careening through a gag warehouse based on scenes from the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" movie.

19.玩具总动员中途狂躁 Toy Story Midway Mania

《玩具总动员中途岛狂躁》结合了经典的黑暗骑行体验和现代电子游戏的互动元素。Toy Story Midway Mania combines a classic dark ride experience with the interactive elements of a modern video game.

骑手们装备了一名春季动作射击手,瞄准由熟悉的“玩具总动员”角色主持的经典嘉年华游戏的3D数字版本。在加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州和日本的迪斯尼公园都可以找到这种游乐设施的版本。Armed with a spring-action shooter, riders take aim at 3-D digital versions of classic carnival games hosted by the familiar "Toy Story" characters. Versions of the ride can be found at Disney parks in California, Florida and Japan.

20. 能量的宇宙Universe of Energy

有了一个像“能量世界”这样的名字,你会期望欧罗巴公园的黑暗之旅类似于艾伦在埃普科特的能量冒险。With a name like Universe of Energy, you would expect the Europa Park dark ride to be similar to Ellen's Energy Adventure at Epcot.

但是,尽管能量的宇宙与化石燃料的生产没有任何关系,德国主题公园的缓慢吸引的确提供了恐龙的详细历史和大量令人惊叹的动物形象。But while Universe of Energy has nothing to do with fossil fuel production, the slow-moving attraction at the German theme park does offer a detailed history of the dinosaur with plenty of stunning animatronic figures.

21.飞行后备箱 Flying Trunk

“飞后备箱”是为了纪念安徒生1843年在丹麦蒂沃利花园主题公园创作的作品。The Flying Trunk pays tribute to the works of Hans Christian Andersen at Denmark’s Tivoli Gardens theme park, which dates to 1843.

骑手们坐在超大的行李箱里,穿行于32个生动的动画场景中,描绘了多产的丹麦作家的童话故事。Riders sit in oversized trunks as they travel through 32 delightful animatronic scenes depicting the fairy tales of the prolific Danish author.

22.很棒的电影之旅Great Movie Ride

伟大的电影之旅将游客带上长长的、笨拙的汽车,穿越经典好莱坞电影中令人难忘的场景,现场演员扮演其中一些角色。The Great Movie Ride takes visitors aboard long, lumbering ride vehicles through memorable scenes from classic Hollywood movies with live actors playing some of the roles.

迪斯尼的好莱坞电影公司最近更新了老的一种类型的旅行与特纳经典电影主持人罗伯特奥斯本的新叙述。Disney's Hollywood Studios recently updated the aging one-of-a-kind ride with new narration from Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne.

23.恐龙 Dinosaur

恐龙在白垩纪的一次有点重复的旅行中结合了刺激和黑暗。Dinosaur combines a thrill ride with dark ride in a somewhat repetitive tour of the Cretaceous period.

“动物王国”的景点使用的是与迪斯尼乐园和东京迪斯尼乐园的“印第安纳琼斯历险记”相同的运动模拟器。The Animal Kingdom attraction uses the same motion-simulator ride vehicle as the Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

24. 小美人鱼:阿里尔的海底探险Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure

没有其他当代景点的钟声和口哨声,小美人鱼:阿里尔的海底冒险更符合迪斯尼经典黑暗游乐的传统。Without the bells and whistles of other contemporary attractions, Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure is more in the tradition of Disney's classic dark rides.

D票景点的版本,带游客“海底”可以在迪斯尼加州冒险和魔法王国找到。Versions of the D-Ticket attraction that takes visitors "Under the Sea" can be found at Disney California Adventure and the Magic Kingdom.

25. 巴斯光年星际历险Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

巴兹光年天文爱好者乘坐骑手通过想象世界的“玩具故事”太空游侠在迪斯尼乐园,神奇王国,东京迪斯尼乐园,香港迪斯尼乐园和巴黎。Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters takes riders through the imaginary world of the "Toy Story" space ranger at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, Tokyo Disneyland, Hong Kong Disneyland and Disneyland Paris.

随着目标分散在音频动画人物,景点是主题公园行业的决定性射击黑暗游乐设施。有趣的是,看看巴斯光年星球救援计划是否会从模式中破灭。With targets dispersed among audio-animatronic figures, the attractions are the theme park industry's definitive shooter dark rides. It will be interesting to see if the Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue coming to Shanghai Disneyland will break from the mold.

