英文歌曲:Tears in Heaven
Tears in Heaven 是英国流行音乐的经典之作,于 1991 年面世,最初是一部电影的插曲,1992 年首次在公开场合演出,发行单曲之后在美国和英国都达到了排行榜的前列,获得了很多重要奖项。

Tears In Heaven 的表演者名叫 Eric Clapton,同时也是歌曲的作者之一。Clapton 写作这首歌,是在怀念哀悼自己的孩子;在 1991 年 3 月,Clapton 四岁的儿子 Conor 在朋友家中意外坠楼死去。
在此之后,Clapton 停下演出和工作,休息了很长时间;之后在为一部电影创作音乐时,Clapton 和另一位音乐人 Will Jennings 合作写了下这首歌曲。
第二年,在朋友们的劝说下,Clapton 发行了 Tears In Heaven 的单曲。
Tears In Heaven 歌词的语言很简单,大部分句子都是采用 Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气,用过去时来设想不可能实现的事情,也就是:在天堂中和死去的亲人相聚。
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.
Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way
Through night and day,
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven.
Time can bring you down;
Time can bend your knees;
Time can break your heart,
Have you begging please, begging please.
Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure;
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven.
Tears In Heaven 这首关于 Grief and Loss 的歌曲,后来成了 Eric Clapton 的保留曲目之一,经常在音乐会上演唱。在一次访谈中,Clapton 这样描述自己从 Tears in heaven 中获取的力量:
"I almost subconsciously used music for myself as a healing agent, and lo and behold, it worked... I have got a great deal of happiness and a great deal of healing from music."
在 2003 年的一次巡回演出中,Clapton 发现自己无法再表演 Tears In Heaven 以及另一首当年儿子死去之后写作的歌曲,原因是:
"I didn't feel the loss anymore, which is so much a part of performing those songs. I really have to connect with the feelings that were there when I wrote them. They're kind of gone and I really don't want them to come back, particularly. My life is different now. They probably just need a rest and maybe I'll introduce them for a much more detached point of view."
和十几年前相比,自己对儿子死去这件事的 Feelings 发生了变化,在表演时无法继续体验到当初的 Feelings;自己的生活也发生了改变,不再想重新拾起当初的 Feelings;自己的Feelings可能需要休息一段时间,未来也许能以更超脱的视角来表演这首歌曲。
在2007年的自传中,Clapton 也提到了Tears In Heaven 和与其同时创作的几首歌曲:
"Will we really meet again? It's difficult to talk about these songs in depth, that's why they're songs. Their birth and development is what kept me alive through the darkest period of my life. When I try to take myself back to that time, to recall the terrible numbness that I lived in, I recoil in fear. I never want to go through anything like that again."