
Mario Segale, who inspired the plucky plumber Mario — one of the most recognizable characters in the world, let alone in video games — has died at age 84.


Segale was Nintendo's landlord outside Seattle when the company created Donkey Kong, the classic game that launched the overalls-wearing Mario.

西格尔是任天堂在西雅图郊外的房东,当时公司推出了经典游戏《大金刚》(Donkey Kong),推出了穿着工装裤的马里奥(Mario)的游戏。

Segale never sought to play up the connection, instead focusing on his family's lucrative businesses in heavy construction and real estate development in the bustling Seattle region.


Because of his desire for privacy, few pictures of him exist online.


"While he was the inspiration for the name of Nintendo's 'Super Mario' from when they were tenants in his business park in the 1970s, he always ducked the notoriety and wanted to be known instead for what he accomplished in his life," Segale's obituary reads.

西格尔在讣告中写道:“上世纪70年代,当任天堂的《超级马里奥》(Super Mario)租住在他的商业园区时,其灵感就来自于他这个名字,但他总是避而不谈这个恶名,而是希望人们知道他在生活中取得的成就。”

As for how his name and Italian heritage helped give life to Mario, Segale was said to have made an impression on his tenants when he allegedly stormed into Nintendo's offices in Tukwila, Wash., demanding they catch up on late rent.


.As gaming historian Benj Edwards noted in 2010, a close associate of Segale's confirmed that he wasn't very tall, and wore suspenders rather than overalls.


Another friend of Segale's commented on that story: "My direct understanding and perception is that Mario Segale doesn't mind at all the fact that his name inspired such an iconic character, and that he shows humble pride in that fact in front of his grandchildren and close-knit adult circles."


It was coincidence that linked him to Super Mario, and Segale preferred to view it as nothing more — even after the company that rented warehouse space from him later adopted the Super Mario character as its mascot.


"You might say I'm still waiting for my royalty checks," Segale said in 1993, according to The Seattle Times.



