雅思口语| Part1难题: Car trip汽车旅行

be plagued by breakdowns 被故障所困扰

Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns. 她的旧车性能不可靠,所以旅途被故障所困扰。

needs careful planning 需要认真计划

The trip needs careful planning. It will be for ten nights. 这次旅行需要认真计划。这次旅行要住十个晚上。

call off the trip 取消这次旅行

He has called off the trip. 他取消了这次旅行。

go on and on about sth.没完没了地谈某事

She went on and on about her trip. 她没完没了地谈她的旅行。

videotape the entire trip 录下了整个旅程

She videotaped the entire trip. 她录下了整个旅程。

ruin our trip 破坏我们的旅行

The bad weather ruined our trip. 天气恶劣,破坏了我们的旅行。

recreational vehicle 休闲旅游房车

We bought a new recreational vehicle. It can sleep nine people. 我们买了一个新的休闲旅游房车。它可以供九个人住宿。

