

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!
First of all thanks to Beverf for inviting me to deliver this keynote speech!
Second, thank you for your participation! Along with the platform that Beverf provides, and the insights, experience, expertise you are bringing here we are able to get the dots connected, rethink our supply chain in the era of AI and automation, and more important reshape our future in a tailor-made way!
I wish this MSCO2018 a very successful one!
In Oct. 2016 I took the Advanced Management Program in Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. During the 5-week long program, we had several team activities including movie shooting, the fire drill in the NYFD, etc. and the one impressed me the most is The Rowing On the Schuylkill River.
Our team's name was Six Guys because all the members on the team were men while some other teams had women. Like other teams, we received the basic rowing training by the coach on the rowing knowledge and also in the rowing machine. Before the game, we were excited and full of confidence to win it.
Would Six Guys win the rowing game?

The answer is: NO! We FAILED! Because we were lack of collaboration.

The collaboration in rowing equals to:
#1 Share the same goal, yes we did - we wanted to win the game and even make a record;
#2 Follow the game rule which we failed. In the course of rowing, we should have kept the same pace, rhythm and even breath. However, the reality was we soon lost our agreed pace and ignored the beat. Even worse one team member tried to stand up to gain more strength. All of this made our boat spun for a while, standstill for a while and there was one time our boat was almost upside down;
#3. We could do more training on collaboration and sync on. In this case, the failure was our destiny.
About myself: in the past 21 years I had the chance to work in both global Fortune 500 corporates and also in the China private company, and even I had 5-month experience in a start-up. I have gained crossover experiences in Telecom, Healthcare, Bio-Tech, IT and Network Power.

Personally, I like this quote very much! Collaboration is far more powerful than the competition. Do not think that only if you are pushed to the wall you will do the best.
In the past years, I read three books written by the same author: "The brief history of humankind", "The brief history of tomorrow" and "The brief history of today". The author of these three popular books is Yuval Harari, a famous historian from Israel. In his books, he reiterated the importance of collaboration and how it has evolved and will evolve our history and civilization. The collaboration with nature, the collaboration with people and the collaboration with AI is all indispensable now and in the future.

In my presentation, I will share with you one, two, three subjects. The first is What, What is the collaboration; The second is Why, Why collaboration matters? And the third is How. How to do the good collaboration. In a word, I am trying to get ourselves back to the supply chain basics - Collaboration.
Here comes the first subject - What. What is collaboration? What is supply chain collaboration? And what is the difference between Collaboration and Cooperation?
What is "collaborate"?
Let's look at its etymon - 'col' means "With, together", "labor" means "to work" and "ate" indicates it's a verb.
To collaborate means to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something.
What is supply chain collaboration?
In supply chain management, supply chain collaboration is defined as two or more autonomous firms working jointly to plan and execute supply chain operations. It can deliver substantial benefits and advantages to its partners. It has been known as a cooperative strategy when one or more companies or business units work together to create mutual benefits. There are two main types of supply chain collaboration, vertical collaboration, and horizontal collaboration. Vertical collaboration is the collaboration when two or more organizations from different levels or stages in supply chain share their responsibilities, resources, and performance information to serve relatively similar end customers while horizontal collaboration is an inter-organizational relationship between two or more companies at the same level or stage in the supply chain in order to allow greater ease of work and cooperation towards achieving a common objective.
Since the inception of supply management back in 1950's it has been evolving through three stages:
The initial state is Supply Chain Management. In this form every company in the chain heavily depends on its upstream and downstream partners, either buyer or seller. They work with each other in a sequential way and form a closed loop.
However, this closed loop can be rigid and vulnerable to risks because once any of the company in the chain malfunctions, the entire chain closed loop can be broken and thus lead to the chain reaction. Hence we consider it as Linear Collaboration.
The second stage is Supply Network Management. In this form, every single company can be linked to multiple companies to form their own network in both horizontal and vertical way so as to gain better visibility and influence over the different tiers, layers, and dimensions. In this network, any single point failure would not cause the entire chain risk. Therefore we consider it as Open Collaboration.
The third stage is Supply Eco System Management. One of the main characteristics of this form is every single company is built and integrated into the ecosystem. Any party's growth can contribute to the system thus bring benefit to other parties in this system. Therefore we consider it a Win-Win collaboration.
-- To be continued --