盛雅莉| PEP 4BU4 At the farm A Let’s talk教学设计(附希沃课件)

PEP四下Unit 4 At the farm A  Let’s  talk教学设计

桐乡市濮院小学教育集团毛衫城小学  盛雅莉


1. 能听懂对话;能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。
2. 能在情境中恰当运用核心句型 Are there carrots/...? Yes, they are. What are these? They're tomatoes/...询问物品名称并回答。
掌握句型Are these...? Yes, they are./ What are these? They're tomatoes.
Step 1: Warm-up
1. Free talk
Do you like grapes?
Do you like pears?
I like carrots. They are good. How about you?
I don’t like onions. How about you?
2. Sing a song: Old MacDonald
T: Now let’s sing a song together and please tell me what’s on the farm?
S: Some ducks, dog and pigs.
3. Let’s match
Please match the animals to their voices.
Step 2: Presentation and practice
1. Let's say
(1) duck——ducks
T: What's this?
S1: It's a duck.
(T: What colour is it? How is the duck? )
S1: It's ...
T: What are these?
S2: They're ...
(T: What colour? How are the ducks?)
They are...
(2) dogs
T: What are these?
S2: They're ...They are...
(3) pigs
T: What are these?
S3: They're ...They are...
【设计意图】通过What’s this? 和What are these? 对比,让学生初步感知单复数的区别,同时教师通过追问What colour? How? 让学生的输出更为丰富,更有意义。
2. guess(猜猜这些是什么蔬菜)
T:Let's guess what are these? You can ask like this, are these...?
教读句型Are these...? 让学生猜Are these tomatoes? ...
然后教师显示果实,引导学生作出回答:Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.并教读句子。
T: I like carrots. How about you?
T:How about these?
让学生猜Are these tomatoes? ...
然后教师显示果实,引导学生作出回答:Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.并教读句子。
T: Do you like tomatoes? Why?
T:How about these?
让学生猜Are these tomatoes? ...
然后教师显示果实,引导学生作出回答:Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.并教读句子。
T: I don’t like onions. How about you?
【设计意图】教师通过信息差,让学生猜测与植株相对应的蔬菜,大部分学生能够识别蔬菜,但是对于它们的植株还是比较陌生,此环节能够很好地调动学生的学习积极性,运用重点句型进行猜测。同时教师通过追问:I like carrots. How about you? Do you like tomatoes? Why? I don’t like onions. How about you? 让对话更加自然生动。
(4)tomatoes, green beans
T:How about these? You can talk about these with your partner.
A: A:Look at ...! ...(potatoes, green beans,...)?
B: Yes/ No, ... They are...(good,yummy,big,long...)
A: I like .../ I don't like...How about you?
B: Me too. / Me neither...
3. At the farm
(1) greeting
T:We have seen a lot of vegetables. They are on Uncle Li's farm. Look, this is his farm and this is Uncle Li. Let's say hello to Uncle Li. (引导学生像Uncle Li打招呼。)
Today Sarah and Mike come to the farm. So Uncle Li says: Hello. Nice to see you. Welcome to my farm.
(2) guess(猜猜他们会说些什么)
Sarah:Look at these! ...carrots?
Uncle Li : Yes, ...
Mike: Wow! ...!
Mike: What ...?
Uncle Li: ... tomatoes.
Mike: But ...!
Uncle Li: ...
(3) watch the video
(4) Listen and repeat .通过动作讲解Try some. They are good.
(5) Group work. 三人一组进行分角色朗读。
(6) Act it out 师生示范,引导学生三人一组根据图示及提示进行对话。并请学生上台展示。
Step 3: Consolidation and extension
1.Try to talk
What time is it?
It’s 6:00. It’s time for dinner.
2. hope
Eat more vegetables!
They are good for our health.
Step 4: Homework
1. Listen and imitate the dialogue beautifully.
2. Read the dialogue in roles with your friends.
